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dub warrior3

Help needed with rear bumper bolts- Captive nuts broke free

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Today I tried to remove the rear bumper and first the bolts on the drivers side.

They were a bit of a pig to get at as they were recessed into some box section. When I did eventually find them they were massively tight. They started moving and suddenly both went slack.

Gutted, the captive nuts have broke free.


I have no idea what to do now to get the bumper off.


The way I see it, my best option is to try and get my power file into the holes and grind the heads off the bolts.

Hopefuly then I should be able to drift the headless bolts and captive nuts upwards to free up the bumper irons.

The trouble is, I dont know if there is sufficient room above the iron for the remainder of the bolt to go upwards.


What I dont reall want to have to do is cut into the bodywok with a grinder just to free up the bumper.


Any advice?

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THAT Or die grind the bolt heads off then as you say you should be able to push remaing bolt up through nd get your bumper off...

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