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Electrical problem?

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Hey guys an gals,


So I'm on my way to work the other morning, and my C dies. I was following my father into work, so he turned around and picked me up. So when I got home, I went back to my car with one of those car-jumping packs. Hooked it up and it fired right up. Got about a half mile down the road and it died on me. So I jumped it again. This time it died after about 50 feet. So I jumped it again. I got to the begining of my driveway, and it died again. This time I tried to jump it, but the pack was too low on charge I suspect and I couldn't get enough of a charge to keep the car running, so I pushed it down my driveway. On my next day off I went and had the battery tested, it was a little low so I recharged it. Then I took off the alternator and had it tested, and it tested out fine. One of the workers where I had the alternator tested said to replace the belt. It sounded right since my old belt looked old and dry-rotted. I also noticed that my GLader really needs a rebuild, there was oil evident in the air tube connected to the airbox and Glader and also crusted oil on the GLader itself. So I haven't put the battery and alternator back in with the new belt yet. Would a bad charger be hindering my car from producing the right amount of charge? Could I be looking at possibly something more then just a bad belt? Any help would be greatly appreciated, as now I am in the market for another car. I refuse to get rid of my corrado, I have too much love for it. But I need to fix it.

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The charger won't stop your battery charging. A new belt is a good idea though. I would makes sure that all the connections between the battery and alternator are clean and tight. The earths need to be checked too.


You can check with a multi meter but that won't always show a bad contact. If there is now current flow then resistance won't come into play and show itself by giving high resistance indications.


Clean the battery terminals too. I'd carry that starter pack round for a few days..


The fact it keeps cutting out sounds like it could be loose terminals or even a bad hall sender in the distributer?



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Could be electrical, check that out first, could also be a boost leak or fueling problem - maybe fuel pump starting to fail, also unlikely but could be the ignition switch.

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