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What would you buy... - THE HOUSE! (but w. criteria...)

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Wendy's point is very well made. No devine right to such things, but .....given your unique situation and vornwend's 'what's the worst that can happen' view point. It's the car for me.

As mentioned, it might only just be a year or two 'Porsche fling' then you can sell it and not put yourself out to much.

That way, you get what you want now, without spending each day in the house regretting it.

Also, +1 for the 993 turbo, but I'm guessing your the kind of guy who has his heart set on something so if the 996 is the dream car, then snap it up.

And sure, if you see a 993 or 997 that turns your head, simples, sell the 996 and off you go.

Once your on the Porsche ladder I'd say your in good shape to pick and choose.

'911Virgin.com' would be a good example. You could try a diff turbo every two months or so to find the one that really grabs you.

Your a lucky sod that's for sure :lol:

My 911 crusade sails on, one day I hope to see land and swim onto Porsche Island breathless and smiling :cheers:

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Pete.................. I would generally say house. As at such a tender age you could be morgage clear very very early on in life. I'll have cleared the morgage in 2 yrs which is great as then I will leave the mob :clap: :clap: :clap: , and with the payoff well what car do I choose??????......... as above I did say generally but in your scenario you have to put your job and where you go into perspective.


Having been to locations were you are lying on the ground and what happens next taken out of your hands then I'd go for having owned the dream machine if the readies are available, as always this is IMO and therefore subject to being critised for talking out of my :censored:

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Let me tell you of my personal experience.


As you may (or may not?) know I recently bought a brand new GTR. Now the dilemma for me in this was that between placing the order & £3500 deposit on the car and actually picking up the car this May, (were 2 years apart), I had an unexpected, fairly lengthy (10months) period of unployment during which time I had to suport myself, my unemployed wife and carry on paying regular fixed monthly expenditure, such as direct debits etc etc.


As you can imagine, 10months is a LONG time and any savings you do have quickly dissappear, and they did. Luckily I managed to start work again last Dec and have been working since then. But when the time came of actually picking up the car, I was not in such a comfortable position as i was when i placed the order & would have to struggle for the first few months paying up the finance plan, so i was actually thinking of cancelling the order.


My head said "cancel" (even with losing the £3500, it would have been an easier 12 or so month to follow), my heart said "get the damn car". I went with my heart and decided to go for the car and really budget myself strictly. I couldn't be happier! Financially, I am always now thinking "do I need it, can I get it cheaper, etc etc" and will be like this for a good few months to come but I'm managing (whilst living a £800/month rented flat, paying £2k insurance for the GTR, running my Rado daily etc etc) so it's not as if I have it easy (in terms of monthly outgoings) but I'm still glad I went for it, EVEN though life would be sooo much easier without the GTR.


I would have regretted it BIGTIME had I not listened to my heart. If you can afford to, even if its a push, listen to heart but ONLY if you can afford to.

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Whilst the house might be the sensible option, have you considered that if you do delay the 996T for 15 yrs it'll seem a little slow by then, albeit a little cheaper?

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thanks again all for your replies on this one - some very good food for thought there :)


i've actually pretty much decided what i'm going to do now due to having to make commitments before leaving etc


i'm going for the house option! (but with some caveats...)


owing to the fact that i can get very very good mates rates from my bodyshop the M5 is going in for a complete glass-out respray, and i'm also going to get a spare set of wheels and get those done at the same time, so externally the car will be pristine!

mechanically it's pretty much there now, going to get it remapped when i get back and also iron out a few other small kinks, but tbh i'm being pretty fussy and it's more or less all sorted mechanically as it is right now.

i'm also going to spend a couple of hundred quid on the leather (about £200-300) and get it restored and one panel replaced and that should complete the whole package. :D


so that's the car sorted - should cost me not much more than £1800ish to get all that sorted.




for the second caveat - i've finally decided i'm also going to get one of these.....














(and obviously the licence associated with it)


i figured i'm still young and this is another thing i've always wanted so there's no better time really.



after spunking the cash on the bike and the car i'll probably have to wait another month or two before i can realistically have enough for a decent house deposit, but not much longer than that and that way i'll have time to do some shopping and look into mortgages etc.


also, once i've got the house i'm on the ladder i'll know it's all mine - i've earned it and not sponged it etc etc and i won't have to worry about that commitment again (well hopefully not for quite sometime anyway!) once i'm on the ladder and have tennants in paying my mortgage for me.

in my next work location i'll be expecting to be away a fair bit, so that will give me plenty more time to save and if i still want to scratch the porsche itch (which tbh i almost certainly will...) then i can do it in a few more years and still be driving round in a mint M5 in the meantime, which lets be fair isn't a bad trade-off.

(also gives me a chance to save for a 997 instead of a 996 :norty: )

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You're right about getting the bike licence sorted sooner rather than later. The law changes again soon and it'll be a complete pain in the arse when it does. A bike licence is something you'll definitely not regret.

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You're right about getting the bike licence sorted sooner rather than later. The law changes again soon and it'll be a complete pain in the arse when it does. A bike licence is something you'll definitely not regret.

do you know when the law is set to change?


i'm looking to do the direct access course around march/april next year...

(also looking at getting a gsx-r 600 round about a 2001-2003 plate for the record)

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Ive had about 4 or 5 of those years Gixxers. They are good bikes and bullet proof but Id be looking to get one of the newer style ones as they are a better road bike or if you can try a 675 Daytona or Street Triple. Stonking engine. Still think the best road going bike you can buy is the Superduke, by far the best thing Ive ever ridden / owned.

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You're right about getting the bike licence sorted sooner rather than later. The law changes again soon and it'll be a complete pain in the arse when it does. A bike licence is something you'll definitely not regret.

do you know when the law is set to change?


i'm looking to do the direct access course around march/april next year...

(also looking at getting a gsx-r 600 round about a 2001-2003 plate for the record)

I don't know exactly. In fact, I can't even find any information about it now. I read about it a few months back - it was a system with four engine-capacity tiers and it would be a complete nightmare to any new riders under the age of about 25. It would suck if it became a reality as it would definitely put a lot of young riders off. Lets hope it was a load of rubbish and will never happen.

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