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Unblocking Washer Jets

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Simple and probably stupid question but...


Apart from using a pin is there any other way of cleaning out the washer jets? Anyone got a clever way of doing it? My bonnet currently gets more washer fluid on it than my windscreen! :lol:



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pull the hose off the back and blow an air line into them from the nozzle end

you might find that hard water has scaled up the metal nozzle though, soak overnight in vinegar to remove that

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Yeah hard water and lack of screen wash doesn't help...


To be honest I just replace every 5 years or so - the non heated ones are £3 from VW and used to be kept on the shelf. Worth also replacing the hose with the black stuff from a MK3 Golf if yours is discoloured and a new motor can sometimes make a big difference too. Always use genuine screenwash too - so much better than anything else I've tried and cheap too!

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