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Purple Tom

Rear beams VR6 vs others...the difference?

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Hi everyone,


I've been searching high and low for a definitive answer to this question and haven't really got anywhere - what is the difference between VR6 (5-stud) and the 8V/16V/G60 (4-stud) rear beams?


I haven't got a copy of ETKA so can't look properly, some people say they're the same and others say they're different. I guess there must be differences because the VR6 uses different rear beam bushes - but what exactly are those differences?


The reason I ask is that I want to do a full VR6 conversion on my 8V. The 8V has done 183k and is still on the original rear beam bushes so it's a priority for me to sort this as I've totally re-bushed the front end already. I want to use the rear beam from my VR6 donor car but I need to know if it will just transfer over or whether there are differences with the rear beam mount plates (as in the main supports that bolt to the shell itself). I know the stub axles are the same, as are the ABS sensors etc, but its those axle bushes that're causing me to worry. Incidentally I've checked the rear brake compensator mountings and they both appear to be the same even though the compensators are positioned slightly differently on the 8V compared to the donor VR6.


I know the VR6 is 20mm wider in track at the front of the car, but is it the same at the back?


Any advice would be much appreciated :)





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there's a tiny difference in rear track (literally a couple of mm) , but that may actually be in the rear hubs and not the beam.

The VR6 has the brake compensator mounted on the beam so I think some minor brackets may be different, I'd have thought the inbuilt ARB would be slightly different too, but that's only a guess.

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That's great, thank you :)


Out of interest does anyone have ETKA who can check and see if the rear beam securing bolts (and nuts) are the same on the VR as they are on the 8V/16V?





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