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Yet another 1.8 and 2.0 16v thread...

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Firstly hello, I've been lurking here for a while without having much to say, I've been toying with getting a Corrado for a while but my mind's been made up for me after a tree fell on my car last month and I've got an insurance payout burning a hole in my wallet ;)


I know there's a ton of these threads and I have trawled through a load of them but can't quite find the answer I'm looking for...


I used to have a mk2 Golf 16v and loved how exciting it felt when I was loitering round the red line and was expecting the Corrado 16v's to be like this, however, I took a 2.0 for a test drive last week and felt a little under-whelmed at how it drove. I've been reading up on putting the inlet cam from the 1.8 into the 2.0 and was wondering if by doing this, along with a decat, I'm gonna get that power at the top end, or if that's what I'm after should I just get a 1.8? I kind of prefer the look of the later ones though.


Just got to find that perfect car now :)

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The Corrado 16v (1.8 or 2L) is a fair bit heavier than a mk2, so will never feel quite as urgent as a mk2 16v Golf.

The 2L engine does have that bit of extra torque to compensate, but has marginaly higher gear ratios (1.8 has same ratios as a mk2).

I'd look out for the best car generally, a 2L (unless it's one of the very early 2L cars) will have the later style interior as well as exterior changes, but there's good and bad of both out there, keep your mind open and try to find the best cared for car.

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Cheers for the reply, I won't be rushing into buying just owt - I'm running my spare car at the mo (1990 Mini Cooper) so can look at my leisure, although windscreen wipers have just packed in on the Mini, so judging by today's weather, next week's gonna be fun :shock:


I did consider buying another Golf, but I think going back to old cars is a lot like going back to an old girlfriend... never quite the same and you quickly remember out why you got rid last time round ;)

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Ive come from a mapped tdi ibiza to a 2l 16v corrado. The midrange torque is definately a great perk IMO... but when giving it some beans i think a kettle can boil in the time it takes to get to 5.5k let alone further! (maybe its because im running 17s???)


Theyre an awsome car i think, but if you want a fast car i would probably go VR or G60... Theyre quick enough for every day situations but wouldnt want to race for slips lol. If the car makes it through the winter months and i tidy up a few issues then the KR or ABF cam will be coming i think.


I will say one thing though... i think round the bends this thing makes up for being not that quick in a straight line.


Theyre an awsome car! Get one :D

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