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Starts in the morning the stalls!!!!

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My g60 starts first time in the morning and then sometimes struggles till its warm to keep reving!!! Its fine when warm ,perfect but when its cold the revs drop really low and it sometimes cuts out!!! If it doesnt cut out it lifts the revs back up after a second or to! Any ideas? Cheers Spadey

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Dead ISV? Do a search for ISV and I think you'll find the cause of your problems 8)

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Hi mate sounds like it could be that ,but I cant find any info on where it is ,how to remove and clean it? Any info would be great, cheers Spadey

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ISV sits on top of the rocker cover and has 2 rubber pipes attached to it as well as a black (IIRC) electrical connector at one end. It's a cylinder shaped thing about an inch and a half thick and about 3 inches long...


Just undo the pipes and electrical connetor and give it a squirt with brake cleaner to get the gunk out of it... Let it dry out, and then re-attach to see if that cures it... 8)

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Ive sprayed carb cleaner in it, how long would I leave it in to melt the crap? Overnight? I also noticed that instead of jubilee clips on the hoses they where cable ties!!! Dont know if this would make any difference but ive replaced with jubilee clips anyway, thanks Spadey

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sounds like someone's already had a problem with the ISV before if the pipes were cable tied! :roll:


Follow the instructions on the carb cleaner, after all, that's what you're using it for! ;)


If you had a leak due to the cable ties, then this may well have affected your idle adversely...


See what happens when you've dried out the ISV and replaced it and the jubilees... 8)


I have a feeling you may well need to re-set the idle speed, but this is not difficult either... Do a search for "G60 AND idle AND setting" and you should find how to re-set the idle speed if you need to.... 8)

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