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Help Headlights and wipers not working

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Well i finally decided im going to sell my car, there`s a guy coming to look at it tomorrow, As the car has been standing for a year i thought i best give it a check over before he comes, and i found a couple of problems.


1. windscreen wipes wont work, ive checked the fuse and relay both are fine but no wipe and no water jets, What else do i need to check ?


2. The headlights are behaving very strange its been converted to Hids in Inpros, when i turn them on one light comes on and the other one flickers and stays off and when i switch them off the one that came on stays on. Ive changed the relays in the up rated loom but no good. What else can i look at.


Its typical i only find out theses things are wrong the night before someone is coming to have a look at it.


Any help would be great. Thanks. :help:

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