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ARHHHHHHHHH - The F*%kin Bast@rds.........

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I didn't know where else to put this, but i really need to vent. Over the weekend some complete tw@t thought it would be a good idea to brake fluid my gorgeous VR6 :mad: As you peeps can imagine, I am totally pi55ed off..................


ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :mad: :evil: :mad: :evil: :mad:


Off to check out the damage........yet again



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i strongly suggest getting that stuff washed off a.s.a.p as if it gets into ur metal u can kiss the car good bye :(


sorry to bring u even worse news but i know someone that had that done to a brand new fiat and they wrote the car off as it was impossible to repair


hope its not to bad :|

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GRRRRRRR, thats sh*t mate, hope theres no long term damage.


on a related incident, some idiot stubbed a fag out on the cenrte of my bonnet at the weekend!!!!!!!!!!


I wish i'd have caught him doing it, It would have almost been worth him doing it just for me to catch him, I mean, what sort of piece of sh*t f*cks around with another mans automobile?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Dunno Bally, just can't understand why anyone would do this........but I am totally pissed off. As yet I don't know who has done it, but when I find out.......................It's gonna be time to dance with the devil.


Thanks for the advice aposeqil - already tried to clean it off, no joy tho :roll: It's kinda crystallised. So far the word on the street is......take it back to metal, red oxide, primer, few coats of paint and lacquer - Just hope by not being able to get it off it's not gonna knacker the area completly. (It's the back nearside panel above the wheel arch)


First chance anyone can sort it is tomorrow - :( So currently the car looks like sh*t and its gonna cost a pretty penny to sort. What a lovely start to the week.

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['H3R4POR]GRRRRRRR, thats sh*t mate, hope theres no long term damage.


on a related incident, some idiot stubbed a fag out on the cenrte of my bonnet at the weekend!!!!!!!!!!


Aye totally sh*t - That's bad news too, sorry to hear that - Hope you have had more look in findin the person responsible than I have...... :evil:

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I am sooooo glad I've got a garage to keep my C in...


I feel for you guys... people like that really make me want 'em to bring back public flogging... :twisted:


Seeing a few of the little scroats getting flogged in public would stop just about all of 'em doing it for good! :wink:

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Never catch them, they are f*ckers!!!!


my car has been hit 3 times (just scrapes and a broken wing mirror) over a 5 week period. Then this.


hopefully you'll get your C sort ASAP, good luck mate.


/me crosses his fingers

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Garage isn't the problem - She sleeps safe and sound in my garage on a night. This was done whist out doing a bit of valentines day shopping ( Mmmm, thinks, so this is the missus fault :shock: ) Anyway - I have always parked there, actually outside a friends house, always been safe.


Worst things was that I didn't even notice until Sat night.........! Soon as I get chance I will post some before and after pics, that is of course assuming that the damage can be removed :|


Public Flogging is way too good for low life scum like this. I was thinking more along the lines of brake fluid poured into fresh open cuts........... :evil: :evil: :evil:


Thanks for all your 'Good luck' and advice and for just listened - Still major pissed off tho.

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Dunno Bally, just can't understand why anyone would do this........but I am totally pissed off. As yet I don't know who has done it, but when I find out.......................It's gonna be time to dance with the devil.


First chance anyone can sort it is tomorrow - :( So currently the car looks like sh*t and its gonna cost a pretty penny to sort. What a lovely start to the week.


Some jealous prick! I had a simliar incident with ex GF's car, she'd had it resprayed while I was away, when I checked the paintwork the car looked awful, runs in the paint, overspray on glass, orangepeal paintwork! got on the blower to her so called mate who'd painted it, he came over & said it would poilsh out (YEAH RIGHT!!), anyway he agreed to repaint it a wk later, then the next morning we came out to the car & it was covered in paint stripper... :mad: I had the stuff checked out by mates paintshop, he agreed it was old paints mixed with thinners & paint stipper! I spent 2days trying to clean it off, it had gone down the the metal!


we never found out who did it, although I knew who'd done it & he wasn't to be seen for a while! I caught up with him though, you can guess the rest! :p


She crashed it a month later & I dumped her not long after that!!!


I hope you get it all sorted mate..

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Thanks for the advice aposeqil - already tried to clean it off, no joy tho :roll: It's kinda crystallised. So far the word on the street is......take it back to metal, red oxide, primer, few coats of paint and lacquer - Just hope by not being able to get it off it's not gonna knacker the area completly. (It's the back nearside panel above the wheel arch)



thats cool mate


well alteast u know how to sort it bare metal the area and surrunding areas treat it (and make sure they dont rush it all) and you should be ok


sorry to hear it happened thou, best of luck getting ti all back to glory

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I'm so sorry to hear that... thats awful :(


I don't even wanna get started on these scumbags.. it just winds me up so much it isn't funny. I worry every time I leave my car now - for example when I park at a friends house I can park out the front of his house but worry continually as he lives on a really really busy road with restaurants and pubs..


But I can also park out at the back but its kinda secluded and shady, and someone could take their time raiding the car and i'd never know.


It sickens me we live in a society like this.. i've never ever touched another persons car to damage it or even mark it.. I don't know why so many people think its acceptable to do it. Scum :(

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Jelouisly mate!! I bet it's dirty pikey scum that can't be arsed to get off of their arse & earn the money needed to have on theirselves!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Hope you get hold of them :rambo: :2gunfire: :snipersmile:

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i know what u mean but then if ur worrying all the time ur going to go crazy lol


i remember once i dropped of my golf mkI to my mechanic to get a full service and i think some repair somewhere and when i went to pick it up some one as nicely written on my bonnet "Alex u r a W....r" which i thought it was nice and when when i questioned him looks like it happen on about 30 mins earlier as the car had been in the garage that night and the day before.


nothing u can do about it, u just have to get one with it

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