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which way goes up which way goes down??

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hi, my sun roof doesnt work but recently iv retrimmed the headlining and iv had to lift the sunroof up manually with the alan key..when i put it down again i did it the same way using the allen key but over the last week or so it lifted up and because i sprayed all the center bits and switches black i dont want to chip them removing them again and because i dont have a working sun roof i dont know wich way the switch make the suroof move because its never worked !! i dont want to guess and it go up more because it will not go back down again without messing around forcing moving parts

any clarification on this would be helpfull from all your working sunroof rado owners


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The switch works in 2 ways, press it towards roof and it will tilt up, pull back down and the sunroof tilts back down. If you pull the switch away from the windscreen it will slide back into the room and pushing towards teh windscreen will close it.

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Cheers bud i ended up gussing and it went up luckily it went back down to creat a seal i thaught it would jam open wich in this weather would have been a nightmare


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Cheers bud i ended up gussing and it went up luckily it went back down to creat a seal i thaught it would jam open wich in this weather would have been a nightmare


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