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A big thumbs up for DG autotech

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A big thank you to dave at DG autotech for Remapping my Audi TT on saturday :D After a long and wet 150 mile drive to dg, Dave hooked the TT up to his laptop and we took the car out for a test drive to check for any faults regarding misfires and to check it was boosting ok, All was well so on the return to dg dave then reflashed my ecu with the new software and off we went for a more entertaining test drive to check all was well and for dave to do some more testing, Then it was my turn :) Its amazing how much extra power and torque has been released and now the TT feels so much faster and some nice Turbo noise as well :D I had an entertaining ride home i can tell you 8) Ohh and dave does a tasty bacon butty too, Its nice to be able to take your car to someone who cares and is genuinely interested So Thanks dave and heres a couple of pics

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