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Welsh g60

Help, cant get my bumper off

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I've got a 1991 g60 which I bought with light front end damage. I got a secondhand bumper with lights and bumper bar attatched off ebay but I cant work out how to get the old one off without dismanteling a sizable portion of my car. Can anyone help me ( I'd like to put the new one on compleate with the bumper bar as the old 1 is bent). Feel free to laugh and mock as I realise it's a bit lame not to be able to take a bumper off but any help would be much appriciated.





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Jack up the front of the car, underneith you'll see the bar that the radiator sits on. At either end of that bar is a plate with 3 bolts going through it.


Undo the outer 2 bolts on each side - DO NOT undo the center bolt else the engine will drop on you! :shock:


The bumper will now just pull forwards and off the car once you've undone the wiring for the fogs and indicators... 8)


I was about to move this question to common questions from the servicing section you put it in first time, but you deleted it yourself and moved it here... 8) :wink:

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*cough* "you're" not "your" *cough* ;) :lol:


I had to look it up the first time I tried to take my bumper off, and it's always better to ask than to risk dropping an engine on your head! :crazyeyes: 8)

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:( Those 2 bolts just turn and turn, the nuts welded onto the top of the bumper bar must have sheared off, so how do I get access to them?

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no idea then.... sounds like it's not gonna be easy anyway... :|


You may have to cut the heads off the blots and see if that'll let the bumper slide out, but that could leave you in a worse situation than you're in now.... :?

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