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new car from a trader advice?

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found birdo a tidy mk5 gt tdi golf (57k). from a trader, all milage checks out etc, she agreed to buying it yesterday.


she forgot to ask about cambelt, so i spoke to the bloke today about it. he says it has never been changed. (baring in mind full service history!)


he claimed it did not need doing until 60k. i told him there is an age limit on timing belts, he disagreed and said i was talking bob.


i asked him to look on the vw website which clearly states 4 years as the age limit for said belt;




he said he would check out what i said, get a price on the job and call me back tomorrow. fair game i thought.


found out several hours later hes spoken to birdo and asked her if she wants it doing and that he will do it at trade price. she said yes because i told her it wants doing (meant he needs to do it!).


now, im reet fooked off he went behind my back and im even more fooked off that he'd ask her for money.


this is a car for over 6k, and has a cambelt 3 years over due.


do i have any rights? she didnt ask about warranty either, do traders have to give one or is it optional?


we havnt put alot down on deposit so if all goes sour its not a massive problem, but ill be less than happy.


sorry for the very long post

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no she put a deposit down. but nothing major.


still would take the car providing he replaces cambelt and waterpump.


i believe i can use the sale of goods act against him as it doesnt meet reasonable standards.


will be having strong words with him tomorrow and telling him i want to view the car, after this he can then do the work, and at that point we will buy it.


bloody women, shes giving me ear ache because im "sticking my nose in."


i'll wrap a fookin torque wrench round her head soon :lol:

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At the end of the day she agreed to buy the car as it stands and it's something you should have checked prior to putting a deposit down. As the car is 'fit for purpose' (i.e. still working) you wouldn't be able to really do anything under the sale of goods act.


How much deposit did she put down? I would personally ask the guy if you could wraggle some more discount and then get it done at a VW Dealer (they are doing a special deal at the moment IIRC). Doesn't sound like the sort of person you can trust to make sure the water pump etc is done.

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she agreed a slightly lower price. she only put a few hundred down.


haggling is what i was intending on doing tomorrow, but he spoke to her instead.


we both understand she knows bugger all about cars which is why i told him to speak to me about it.


yes, but without a visual inspection of the belt there would be no sure way to know, plus the fact he gave me false information, you cannot do so.


i know vw are, its in the link at the top of the page :)

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Yeah was going to say make sure it's done right with genuine parts - ie at VW!


Not sure what you can do really apart from pull out but you're completely right - full service history means the belt would have been flagged on the last service although the customer can always say no and the book with still get stamped.


Slightly different engine (1.9 PD 8V 115BHP) but my belt was absolutely fooked at 62k - cracked all the way round!


I'd push to get another £300 knocked off and take it to VW yourself

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should have been flagged on the last three, if four years is whats recommended!


i dont know what to do, she wants it, but im not being taken for a ride.


shes having a vw because i know a fair amount about them and have helpful people like yourselves to double check with.


have to see what he says tomorrow i guess. but i dont think he will do alot to rectify the situation if im honest.

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Trouble is you're in a rock and a hard place situation.. She wants the car - he has a deposit.


Looking at his for sale cars though he trades in cheap & cheerfuls.. This is most likely something being sold for a friend/family.

Find out what the 'cost price' he's offering to do the belt for is and get this knocked off in cash or you walk.


There were plenty of options before the deal was agreed, but if she wants the car you're gonna struggle to be the good guy.


Get the car bought/the belt done and put a smile on her face.

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Yeah i know what you mean. At a better time i would, mrs is up duff and were buying a new house. Pennies are shy at the mo.


I do have some leverage over him and he knows i can cause problems if needs be.


Yeah its a bit of a weird deal with him, he works for a car sales place but has his own company too.

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well it was like getting blood out of a stone and talking to a brick wall.....


but after him telling me several porkies and me telling him i clearly know more about vw's than he does. he agreed to ring vw to confirm what i was saying. he rang back and told me some more porkies! even had the cheek to say i must know more than the vw technicians then, sarcastic twat!


i told him he was talking bob, rang vw and they confimed everything i thought, explained the situation to vw and the chap said get him to ring and he would put him straight. diamond geezer!


after vw put him straight he finally admitted he didnt know what hes talking about. still didnt want to budge on price though, and said today was a "learning curve" for him.


after some less than friendly words about him continuously saying i was lieing to him, he agreed £6400 all in with cambelt and waterpump change at my preferred vw dealer.


not a bad result, but much harder work than i would have liked.

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cheers :D


ill get the vw boys to give it a once over for me while its in there too. thankfully im a known face there thanks to the corrado!!! :lol:

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