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passenger elec. window not working

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My passenger window stopped working from the passenger side, but still worked from the switch on the drivers side. I assumed that the Pass. switch had broken. BUT. Now it doesn't work on either side, but my drivewrs window still works!!! Any ideas on whats wrong anyone?

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i got the same problem but my pass window still works from the drivers side at the mo. have to look into ot at the weekend. i must be somthin to do with a switch, relat or fuse.

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I had a switch fail on me for my passenger side window... about £20 from VAG for a brand new one... :?


I tried swapping the passenger side switch for the drivers one, and it started to work again, but the driver's window stopped, so I knew it was the switch... :roll:


It's worth swapping all of the switches around (keep a note as to which came from where!) to try and work out which switch works and which doesn't.... If a window doesn't work with any switch then it's a wiring fault, a faulty window winder, or a fault with the control box.... Always look for the cheap fault first before throwing good money at a problem! ;)

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