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1.8t AGU Bottom end probs :-( So... IHI and LSD please :-)

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Right chaps. Howdy, Long time no speak. Mainly because i sold the Corrurbo to a friend and all has been well.... until now.


Ok to start with the car is a 1994 2.0 16v which i converted to an AGU K03s lump with Qpeng, FMIC, 316cc injectors (i think). All has been very well until about 2 months ago when my pal managed to find the largest pothole in GB adn cracked the sump, losing all oil and pressure causing lights and buzzers to go off (good job coz i made the loom myself. Quite relieved) anyway as a suck it and see atempt at a cheap fix i changed the sump for a shallow one thinking there may be worse consequences to the lack of oil running. However the car responded very well to just the new sump and was running rather sweet for a number of weeks until bbbbbuuuzzzzzzz. No oil pressure again. This time my pal wanted to change the pressure switch and pump. SO i whipped off the sump to find metal and plastic and more metal in the pan. One chunk was about 1/2 inch square. Hmmmm. After putting the sump down and looking towards the crank i **** myself to find that the chain to the pump was not even connected to the pulley. Oh.... Hmmm. Then more mortified to see the pump pulley was buckled by about 1/2 inch. I guessed that this was caused by the chunk of ally (a lug from the NEW sump turbo return pipe bolt thread) bouncing into the chain and causing grief.

The chain from the crank now slips like buggery around the crank/pump gear. BAAAAD news. So upon telling my dear friend the news, a new AGU lump is required. So much less hastle than a rebuild.


The big question now though is...... IHI and LSD or not? It only has the standard 2.0 gearbox.

Is the gearbox man enough and what diff is needed?

Whats the best IHI route plus costs etc?

Im not concerned about the effort required.


Any help or questions or advice would be hugely appreciated. Especially about the LSD. It needs one big time.

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Are you sure a little piece of metal bouncing about in the sump pan caused the pulley to warp? that sounds pretty far fetched.

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Are you sure a little piece of metal bouncing about in the sump pan caused the pulley to warp? that sounds pretty far fetched.


Well I'm 90% sure. Have u seen the oil pump pulley? It's pretty flimsy. This piece of metal was 1/2 inch square, so not small at all. I don't see how else the chain would have jumped off. Something had to get caught to cause that.

Do u have any other suggestions?

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