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Struggling to put the new rubber bung back on cross member...

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Struggling to put my new rubber bung back on to the cross member...Has anyone manage to do this with ease before.

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just count your fingers after you do this... you`ll be missing one or two..!!!

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Kipvw have you got a pic of your magic tool...Butterfly has written a detailed description but I cant picture it in my head at the moment due to lack of oxygen in my head from trying to get that rubber bung in :) Brute force will not work...nearly stapped myself with the screwdriver. Iam calling it a day!!!

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Jude has the pics somewhere so i'll get her to post one or two up later :)


It basically consists of a short piece of plastic pipe large enough to go over the bush hole on the crossmember and the bush of course, about a centimeter bigger than the hole is ideal, An M10 bolt and nut long enough to go through both the cross member/pipe and 2 large SQUARE flat washers about an inch and a half in size these must also be quite thick otherwise they may bend.

Oh and a bit of olive oil lol! you read right :)


The rest is prety self explanatory when you see the pic of it but you have the bolt with a large washer on it feed that through the bush to be fitted a smear of olive oil on the crossmember and the bush itself.


Then line it up with the crossmember and place the pipe above the bush hole in the cross member the second washer Must rest on the pipe otherwise it wont work then simply tighten the nut that goes on top of it all and watch with a big smile on your face :)


Once pressed tight up against the hole you WILL need to poke it into is final resting place THIS IS WHY SQUARE WASHERS ARE USED AS THEY GIVE YOU ACCESS TO POKE THE BUSH while everything is still in place, the bush simply pops into place and then remove the tool and start again with the others.


It took me 15 minutes to do all 4 once i sussed it out.


I know folk have had a right old wrestle with these and i wasn't gonna risk stabbing myself. I use a similar tool at the cycle shopwhere i work for pressing in headset bearings so got the idea from that! Happy Days. :)

Edited by KIPVW

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Thought you'd relish that job John ;)


I was having nightmare thinking about doing this job but it was an absolute doddle but then i am rather Awsome :)

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Go on then. Pics on here. We mean to write this up properly but for those desperate to know for a job currently in progress


I hope you can work out what Kip means from them


Tape round the bnottom of the plastic sleeve and screwdriver to protect the lovely new paint

Edited by Butterfly

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Am trying this job at the moment, got all the bits for the special tool, but i just seem to squish the bush up and is one side that just won't go in :(


---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ----------


Got them in now, changed the way i held my special tool finally got it in the hole.


Lots of lube really helped.

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