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B*gger - possibly caught by mobile speed camera

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I was caught doing 39 in a 30 and got offered the course. Apparently if I was doing 40 it would have been points straight away and that would have been bye bye corrado. Phew! But it was an extra £30 (£90 in total) and I have never seen a better buffet! :) 2 hour course followed by 2 hours of driving round in a Golf TDI. Not bad really.


Buffet?! you sure you didn't go to some women's insitute dinner and drive?! :lol:

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I just had an invoice from my lease company emailed to me a few hours ago (via my boss). 6 speeding fines! :-( No points (as far as I know) which is good, you have to be really horsing it or driving like an utter tool to get them here, that also usually carries having your car impounded for 30 days and a hefty fine too. Don't even think about drink driving here - automatic minimum of a month in jail..


No points is a win but it will still it'll be a fair old deduction from next months salary, a touch embarrassing at work, and generally a crap way to kick off the weekend. Before I get attacked - the fines are all from a desert road from Abu Dhabi city to a refinery heading towards Saudi - long flat straight roads - very empty when I use it too.


I wish the 2 week issuance rule applied here, one dates back to 19 Feb!! The last one the middle of March, and I have done a fair bit of to-ing and fro-ing since then.. So think I can safely expect more. :-(

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Fixed cameras - every now and then they have an area to do u turns, on each of these there is camara - the limit drops from 100 to 80k/hr - I tend to set the cruise at 140-150km/hr. I have obviously been day dreaming or not backing off enough, plus on my last jaunt there was a mobile camera on a tripod on the central reservation - perhaps I've missed these too. It was very small.


I think the plod down there must be getting bored or given targets, the towns are few and far between.

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