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wheel bearing check

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is there any way to check if a new wheel bearing has been fitted.


the garage said it has been, but there is still a whurring noise from front left and i think it hasn't been done!

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All you can do is strip it down and have a look!

Check to see what the threads look like (are they rusty, greased, etc)

You should be able to tell if that area has been tuched by the mechanic!

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okay - update, since the garage fiddled with the left front wheel bearing, there has been a tumbling bang noise when going over bumps.


Today i went to brake and something seems to have fallen off or jammed, then instantly there was a screaching noise constantly. it gets worst when i brake. really loud grinding noise.


I think that was the quiet noise i thought were the wheel bearing, and now that area has been tampered with it's got worse! Waste of £100 pounds on bearings then.


Has my break siezed or a pad fallen off? Will it be okay to drive to the garage? Surely, if the brakes never screached when i pressed them before, if they are siezed on - why would they screach now?

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Oh Dear


the first think i would do is have the wheel off and have a look then decide what to do.

I wouldn't drive it till i had fond out what the problem is!

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cheers, problem being, even if i got the wheel off, i wouldn't know what to look for, catch 22 a suppose! I may just drive to the garage but brake useing the handbrake?


bloody car, i only wanted to get the nearing noise sorted and cos of that this happens!

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okay - update. sorted the car at wm automotives seven sisters. good guy!


turned out that the other garage (who already messed up) did not bother to bolt up the brake caliper when doing my wheel bearing!!!! I could have been killed! how bad is that... what ever you do don't ever use ET Motors seven sisters rd. cowboys!



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okay - update. sorted the car at wm automotives seven sisters. good guy!


turned out that the other garage (who already messed up) did not bother to bolt up the brake caliper when doing my wheel bearing!!!! I could have been killed! how bad is that... what ever you do don't ever use seven sisters rd. cowboys!




Report this back to the garage that did the work initially (ET Motors) and see what their reaction is... If they just tell you to sod off, report them to trading standards... getting brakes wrong on a customers car is neglect and if you had have had an accident (God forbid!) then they would have been liable for it.... :|


If you don't report it to them or trading standards, then they'll just keep on doing the dodgy work and could end up killing someone... :? :shock:

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