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Brake Reservoir Grommets

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Little rubber grommets which are 13mm ive been needing one for a while as one is split and leaks fluid, i dont want to buy a whole new part as i dont need too an cant afford too...


Does anyone know where i can get one of these little buggers...


Found one on ebay for £5 and £20 postage so balls to that


This also but its pretty usless as theres no price and im sure its an American company...





If anyone has one, please sort me out and if anyone knows were i can get one id be one happy person...


Save me trying to brake and nothing happening.


Cheers people.

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aha cheers mate, easy peasy.


I did think they might just usually when you need things like that they charge about £15


Same goes for the adjusting bolt on the belts, £13... for a bolt.


Nice one for that.



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