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Picked up my new G60 yesterday!

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Picked up my new G60 yesterday, and after a day spent with it with a bottle of autoglym i can honestly say im a very happy man!! :lol: :lol:


Its a 92 J mettalic black with 16" Azevs on it, koni adjustables and eibach springs - everything else seems pretty standard (for the moment). It drives like a dream - and those konis REALLY make a diiference to my old G60 which ran standard dampers on lowered springs.


All i can say is its good to be back in a Corrado. I sold my last one in november last year and bought a cosworth ( ive wanted one forever!!)

- and although out & out speed on the cosworth was quite phenominal - theres nothing quite like a corrado!


I'll post some pics when i buy a digi camera!! :wink:



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Just curious - what happened to the cossie?


I see them stranded in the middle of roundabouts (normally with two tracks leading up to them too) a lot of the time - was one of these yours? :lol:

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Andi - I sold the cossie after only a couple of months. I could see it was going to be a pain in the aRSe and cost me a fortune. When i first had a go in one (a good ten years ago) i thought it was the nuts, and it suited my requirements at the time. But after all these years it just didnt suit me now. It was only happy being driven hard and i just dont need a car like that all the time. It doesnt have the build quality i had become acustomed to either. I do still have a soft spot for them tho - but still prefer to own a Corrado :wink:




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Its a 92 J mettalic black with 16" Azevs on it, koni adjustables and eibach springs - everything else seems pretty standard (for the moment). Dave


16" Azev's, mmmm, 8) thats what I'm looking for.... sounds like whoever sold you the car had impecable taste.

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:D Dan - thats exactly what i thought when i saw them!!! could the deal have been any sweeter? 8) a couple of them are losing a bit of laquer, but a refurb is gonna be a lot cheaper than sourcing and buying a set of these beauties :D



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