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Best way to remove VR droplinks- any tips?

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Both of mine snapped a few days ago :( Never done them before- looks straightforward though.


Is it simply:

jack car up,

remove front wheels,

undo the bolt that secures the link to the wishbone,

undo the 17mm bolt on the ARB

unscrew link from ARB (there doesn't seem to be much room for this as the ARB is quite close to the outer CV gaiter :/)

fit new ones


Any tips would be much appreciated as I'm tackling it tomorrow.

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Erm...yes I think that's pretty much it.


There is a hexagonal 'nut' on the droplink balljoint that will allow you to get hold of it to remove it from the ARB, sometimes its a bit minging after being exposed to the ravages of the weather but a good wire brush usually reveals it. The good thing about the threads into the ARB is that there is hardly any chance of any corrosion because the thread is totally enclosed and obviously there's no electrolytic corrosion either.


The droplink is usually pretty tight but get a decent spanner onto it, give it a thump and they should come straight undone. I always put a tiny amount of grease on the thread before reinstalling.



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Nearside snapped, and when I got under to have a look, I started to undo the wishbone nut on the o/s one and it snapped straight away. Pretty sure they're the originals.

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In true Corrado fashion, the n/s link was seized solid and I ended up having to saw it off so I could get a socket on the end :( The other one came off fairly easily though :)

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I guess you have bought replacements?

I have the ones I took off the Storm with 64k miles on if you wanted to replace cheaply!! Dont know what would be a going rate thought.

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No prob. I'm wondering if they will be worth keeping but were only changed cause they werent clean and shiney... lol

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Prob worth keeping just in case- they won't fetch much at all if you sell them I'm afraid, as they're pretty cheap new.

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