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Broadband BT or Sky ?? + TV not so important

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Already with BT for the lat 5 years and quiet happy with them, from time to time had to reste the hub but it's only few times a year, internet works well and never had any serious problems but...


Sky offers an unlimited broadband for less than half BT price so I'm quiet tempted + will get a tv, I know BT has Vision but not using it so far, Freeview is enough for me so far, not watching TV so much but my GF is starting moaning that there is nothing to watch.


Who got a sky ?? How good is router for broadband, how many RJ45 connectors ?? Built in print server or not ??


Any comments and tips will be appreciate.

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Ring both up and ask what speed you'll get from each. I got sky tv and was going to get sky BB with them but they said they could only offer me 500kps, talk talk and virginmedia (i went with VM in the end) both said 1.8mpbs. God knows why it differs so much as its the same phone line and still the same distance from the exhange.


P.S from people who have had BT vision says its pap. Though like everything opinions differ.

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I have just signed up for SKY BB, TV and phone for the same price as BT Phone and BB. So effectively I get the TV for free :)

You have to take everything out together, but it was a good package and I should get faster broadband than I get now as SKY is the only provider with LLU on the exchange here (worthing checking for yours)


Will see what happens next week.



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18Mbps (measured) with Sky! The benefits of living near the exchange :-)


Distance from the exchange is the main factor when calculating download speed, but it also depends if the exchange is LLU enabled for your chosen operator - if not then they will only be able to offer the (slower) white labelled BT Wholesale IPStream service.


Also very generous with download limits ('unlimited' is never actually unlimited, but I've never had any issues with Sky even when downloading 100Gb+ per month).


I have the old Netgear router so can't comment on that I'm afraid as they have a new one out now, but it came with 4 LAN ports and I can't imagine the new one being worse. The only issue is that the username and password are hidden in the router, so you can't get them out and use another router unless you hack it.


It's pretty hard to beat the price if you go for TV, calls and broadband tbh. In an age where we are swapping insurance and utility companies every year to get the best price, I've been with Sky broadband for 3 years and never felt the need to swap.

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Sky were ****e with me, promised me bb in the package and then couldnt supply it due to my area! They knew where i lived when i signed up??


All a bunch of you know whats, but all desperate for your money, play them off each other and see what deal you can strike

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I recently ordered sky bb, however they never turned up but were happy to take my money! Possibly the worst customer service ive ever experienced. Still struggling to get my money back after numerous telephone calls and emails!


I will never be a sky customer ever again.

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Tell me about it! Couldnt have it for free as promised but could if i paid for it.


Told them where to shove it and went with bt. Again pretty awful, turned my line speed down every couple of months. Vision is ass too, just a freeview box that can record but costs you £18 odd a month!


Im trying virgin in my new house, fingers crossed :lol:

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