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A random Corrado photo

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Me and Mrs Ralphead went exploring an abandoned factory and I caught a glimpse of my car through a window so wrestled the camera off her and took a snap.


I bought the camera beleiving that we were going to share it. Turns out I get my share when I buy her a nicer one..

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i like cheeky peaking vw photos.


Looks a nice car too.


Wheres the factory if you dont mind me asking, me and my mates love it hes into photography too so we end up in all sorts of places.


One of which is an old boys school which has been abandoned.


Some pretty funky stuff to see in places we dont usually get to go.

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Thank you. It does look nice in that picture, too far away too see the rough paint and wonky bumper..

Mrs Ralphead would rather we keep the location under wraps just for the moment. Security is getting tighter there and we have art projects to finish before they make it really hard to get in.

We don't get out exploring as often as we should. There's a big empty mental asylum about 20 miles away that we're building upto. That's going to be a proper stealth mission, they have motion detectors and all sorts.

We prefer derilict places, theres less ego going on there.


I doubt the car was your one Swompy. It's a 90' 16v in aqua blue pearl. It lived in London till about 2002, then moved to Cornwall and I got it in 2007.

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HAha fail, thought it was, you have a similar forum name to the guy who has it now :oops:

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