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Alan Hills VW Crystal Palace - any good?

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I need someone to have a proper look at my 16v - get it 'right' before i throw any real money at it changing bits.


Been told Alan Hills in Crystal Palace is very good - and thought i would see if anyone here has had dealings with them?


I want to keep the C for a while... so want it running really well and need to find a company who know what they are doing with it - who wont rip me off!

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more a case of i have the DIY skills of Homer Simpson ... and also have very very little free time. As a guide - done 300 miles in the car since i boguht it 6 weeks ago!


Im more BIM (Broke It Myself) then DIY.


Plus ive never had a corrado before - and the one i bought hasnt done much mileage in a few years so i want someone to give it a once over and let me know what need fixing.


Need to sort the lumpy idle out ... and change the accelerator cable for starters.

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