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possibly trashed, opinions please

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good evening all,


to put the end to my bad weekend, im after your opinions please. been doing some work for a friend this afternoon and on the way home the bonnet has come detached, flown up on the hinges, smashed in to the windscreen, broke the hinges on the bonnet and dented the roof. now the sunroof doesnt open on tilt correctly or slide at all. i fear this is going to be as good as a write off, anybody got any opinions on wether i could salvage my rado at all :s i dont have much to go on as it only happend an hour or so ago and the light to see is not good to know how bad it really is :(

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oh no mate! soz to here that!


If you go through insurers, they will almost certainly write it off Im afraid! especially as the roof is damaged! All depends now how you want to play it. Go through your insurance and if they say its a write off either accept the offer and get paid out or try pushing them to repair it for you! Only thing is it will then be a Cat C or D car so will be devalued a bit come resale, but if your not selling then that wont matter.


Or you pay for the repairs yourself, as the roof is damaged could be big bills for that? You will have a better idea in the light tomorrow though.


Hope your able to sort something mate!

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ye im most miffd about, shame as i was just starting to get n top with all the niggles the lil nugget had, ahwell i did need an excuse to go buy a vr/g60 ..lol

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ye im most miffd about, shame as i was just starting to get n top with all the niggles the lil nugget had, ahwell i did need an excuse to go buy a vr/g60 ..lol


A VR would be ace compensation! :thumbleft:

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Try taking it to a good bodyshop first.


Exactly the same happened to my Mk1 Rocco back end of May. See here for results, as I picked up my Mk1 Rocco just yesterday. Had dents in roof, too (no sunroof, though, but could be the sunroof may work again, once dents in roof removed), bonnet bent, hinges cut into scuttle, only thing that survived was the windscreen (miraculously).


There may be hope yet, provided you can get a good bodyshop.



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kool, hope yet :D aguna ttry and get sum pics tomorow in the light, i see its guna come down to cash and wether i'l buy a vr in the meantime :)

thanks for the advice guys, appreciated

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First of all it depends on how badly your roof is damaged. Get a quote before anything else to see what you're dealing with.


If it's a lot, then it really depends on how much you love your particular car. If you decide it's not worth it, then you need to decide whether to claim on the insurance or not.


If you do claim, bear in mind that you may lose no claims, and you will also have to declare the claim when renewing, pushing up your premium. Also, if you decide to claim, I would do my best to keep hold of the car if you can so you can take off any parts that are worth anything to you. Even if they won't let you buy it back, make sure they don't take the car away, unless they are going to return it, until you are happy with the payout (also gives you chance to scavange any parts off it after it's been inspected!)

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good evening all,


to put the end to my bad weekend, im after your opinions please. been doing some work for a friend this afternoon and on the way home the bonnet has come detached, flown up on the hinges, smashed in to the windscreen, broke the hinges on the bonnet and dented the roof. now the sunroof doesnt open on tilt correctly or slide at all. i fear this is going to be as good as a write off, anybody got any opinions on wether i could salvage my rado at all :s i dont have much to go on as it only happend an hour or so ago and the light to see is not good to know how bad it really is :(


this has happened to a few other people on here when the bonnet pins give way. Look at Prodigal Son's thread (probs in archive now as he doesn't post in it much(.


Depends how good your car was to start. If it's a good one probs worth saving, oitherwise might be worth shopping around for a new one.

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just got a better look at the car this evening, seems all may not b lost, the sunroof ive managed to get open and closed with a bit of jiggery pokery, looks llike the inner cloth part has come away from the exterior causing it to jam rather than the dents in the roof. so looks like im guna just need a new bonnet/hinges and windscreen to get it road worthy again :D

the dents will just have to wait a bit, there not half as bad as orginally thought. thanks for your advice people, once it is road worthy at least then i can drive it to the bodyshop for repairs, maybe even a respray next year :D :D

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