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Tristan H

How do you open your boot hatch?

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Stupid question maybe , but how do you lot open the boot? On mine , I've to turn the key to half way ish between the 12 and 3 o'clock positions , in the 12 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions nothing happens when I press in the button .:scratch:

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You may find if you lock the central locking with the boot open, the arm coming out of the locking pump in the hatch will pull free of the lock mechanism. Then having the lock in the horizontal position will be always unlocked instead of locking and unlocking with the car as it's supposed to. If you undo the six (?) plastic quarter-turn clips from the panel inside the hatch and pull it free you should be able to see the back of the lock mechanism - if the arm has come adrift it will be obvious where it's supposed to go. Worth a try!



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