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Ignition barrel problem - a common problem?

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I've just been thrown a curveball when picking my car up from the car hi-fi place this morning. According to the technician, Corrados & MK2 Golfs are prone to the barrels being faulty. It's causing my radio to come on, then go out intermittently. Really naffing me off as I've just spent an arm & a leg on the hi-fi & alarm, now I can't use the radio or Bluetooth!


Thing is I've owned MK2's before & never encountered this problem, he says it's a wire that works loose. Hmmmm.







Edited by adam164

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Not the barrel, no but the original Ignition switches on Corrado's have been upgraded now to a better part (6N0 Polo) - if you take the cowling off the new ones are black in colour, not yellowy white.

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Not the barrel, no but the original Ignition switches on Corrado's have been upgraded now to a better part (6N0 Polo) - if you take the cowling off the new ones are black in colour, not yellowy white.


Aye, thanks for that. Just Googled it & a Wiki page has appeared telling me the VAG part number & price ( 12 Pounds) and how to fit it. I'll get my carcass down to Smith Knight Fay in the morning.

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