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End of season trip in my Mk1 Rocco - pics

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As of yesterday the long wait till spring has started as I took my Mk1 Rocco out for its season-end trip. Wasn't planned for, since I already had taken it out on Saturday, but hey, what do you do, when you need to rescue a 928 :lol: Electrical gremlins (and the 928s have loads of these) prevented it from coming home. Sorted in the end and hopefully staying that way till the next gremlin appears.


Osnabrück built reliable cars, Zuffenhausen sporty ones, eh ? :lol:






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Im a big fan of the rocco....looked real good at the Peterborough meet earlier on in the year and still looks spot on!!

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Thanks for the comments chaps :)


The Mk1 brings the smile to my face, each time I look at it, let alone drive it, pure go-kart feeling.


The 928, well, that´s a totally different animal, still feeling my way round it.


what was up with the 928 mate?


Still not quite sure. With multimeter attached I staretd to pull fuses, observing the battery voltage (measured between battery jump terminal in engine bay (the actual battery lives in the boot) and some ground point in engine bay) rise from a measely 3 V to a still measely 6 V.


Then decided to check the voltage across the battery itself in the boot, and upon moving some controller box of the gash aftermarket alarm system (no less than 3 controller boxesd stuffed into the fuse board area, one in the boot - has got to go ultimately, too gash to even look at the wiring) to one side, I heard the alarm make a noise like ¨I back again!¨, also getting full 12 V across the battery terminals. Everything worked fine again.


Had already cleaned the battery terminals and ground point in boot some weeks ago, and spent tonight underneath the landshark cleaning the ground strap between engine and body.



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