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Corrado Randomly Won't Start

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It is a 5 speed, 1991 VW Corrado G60. For weeks I struggled with the Digital display (the one that tells time, mpg, oil temp, ect...) shutting off while driving and the car would begin to sputter and only accelerate erratically or, for seconds at a time, not at all. This was not occuring due to low voltage because the volt meter i have installed was always coming up normal. This went on for awhile and would not always happen which made the car generally drivable. One day while sitting at a friends i started the car and it idled for a few mins, then i turned it off to hear what she was saying (we all know how loud theses things can be.) and when i tried to restart it, it turned over and i was able to hear the fuel pump turn on but it would not start. We attempted to push start it after i had killed the battery from trying to start it so much and after a few attempts it did start. I then drove it to my destination and the display was once again shutting off followed by acceleration problems, i then turned it off and when i came back out to leave and turned the key the story repeats itself until i tried to push start it again. It would not start this time despite several attempts of push starting it on a downhill. Please, any advice as to things i could check and how to go about checking them would be helpful. I have checked all the fuses and checked to make sure all the relays are seated correctly. I have also attempted to put in a coil which i know is good and still no luck. As i said, I can clearly hear that the fuel pump is working, it for sure has gas, and it is the correct octane.

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Sounds dumb but check the alternator belt is tight. Can cause all your symptoms.

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1-check for spark- take spark plug out earth it to engine and turn engine over

2-check for fuel - you'll smell it from exhaust if spark isnt working but injectors are(also check the connector for the injectors)


To me it sounds like youve got a loose conection somewhere in the fuse/relay box.


when you say it didnt start after it did before,did it crank or did the starter not do anything?

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check the red/black wire to the coil for volts with a multimeter.its switched live and cranking live.you should get battery voltage

Then check green wire from the coil(take it off) and check for continuity from there to the plug on the ecu(cant remember which pin).it should be 0.2 ohms or around that


if good,start looking at a problem with the hall sender on the dizzy or wiring

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