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Tracking/alignment - what do they need to adjust?

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Hope this question isn't too stupid. I need to get the tracking/alignment done but before I book it in I want to make sure that anything they need to adjust isn't seized. I've seen the nuts on the threads of my track rods and they look like they haven't moved in years!


What would happen if I take it somewhere as it is? Would they be able to free them off or should I replace the track rods first? Is there anything else I need to check? I know the camber adjustment should be ok as I have just replaced the four bolts on the bottom of the front struts.


If I'm replacing the track rods, should I replace anything else at the same time? I'd imagine at the very least I need to replace the track rod ends as well?


Thanks in advance folks.

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Sometimes it does happen they cant open the nut on the trackrod and they tell you to go to a garage to sort it out. Its a good ideia to replace the tracking rod, and if youre replacing the rod then you should replace the rod ends. But make shure you buy good make ones.

Now for the camber.... If you replaced the bolts for the ball joint in the bottom then it all depends how youve done it, the camber might be out.

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track rod nuts can usually be freed with a blowtorch, new rods usually come complete with ends if you do need to replace them, I'd do the steering rack boots too while you're in there.

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Thanks chaps.


Just for clarification, what are the different adjustments that can be made? I know what camber is and that it can only be adjusted on the front, and I think that alignment is making the front wheels line up with the back wheels. That just leaves tracking which is making the front wheels go in straight line whilst the steering wheel is straight, is that correct?

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Ok... Camber can be altered in the rear... But yes, it can only be "adjusted" in the front. Now when you say alignment thats tracking... Front wheels align with rear wheels and steering straight, or you can adjust toe. Toe is front wheels pointing inwards of the car or outwards.... And then you have balancing, thats ajusting the weight distribucion on the wheels so that they turn without any vibration.

Hope that helps

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