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Oil Temp on a vr6??????

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Having just bought a corrado vr6 after numerous mk2s ive found it runs very high temperatures. It usually sits around 110 around town and the fans cut in as they should but its the oil temp on the mfa that is worrying me; last sunday i got stuck in a bit of traffic for about 15mins and the oil temp went up to 120 degrees and then tonight the oil temp went up to 112 after being in traffic for about 5 mins yet the temp guage inside car only went to around 95 degrees. Any ideas ????

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that is high for oil. the water/ oil coolers tend to gum up with age and aren't great to begin with anyway, pumps are pretty solid but can of course wear but can be checked with the sump off for backwash.


plenty of threads on here about vr temps, consensus is generally 90 - 100 ish average driving, more in standstill traffic or caning it, i'd get uncomfortable anything at 110+


my first vr i bought had temps of 118, fitted a mocal cooler and they dropped by 22degs plus, great bit of kit.

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Air lock in the coolant? I thought my head gasket had gone and it turned out to be a air lock!


The matrix and rad had been done on mine though


On the motorway I get a constant 110c on the oil and 90c on the coolant

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From what I understand, the water temp gauge is designed to hover around the middle of the range during normal operation (engine warmed up) but will start to read closer to the oil temp as per the MFA when colder or warmer.


Are you sure the fans really are kicking in at stages 1 and 2 and not just coming on with a roar at stage 3 when the engine is getting close to being dangerously hot? This is the problem I faced with mine and am currently replacing the temp senders.

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