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corrado virgin

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hi, as of this moment in time i dont own a corrado, i presently own a pretty nice golf VR6 as my daily drive. i now find myself in the position to buy a corrado VR6, which is what i wanted in the first place, i fell in love with them from day one and up until now real life has got in the way. now this is where things get a bit akward, due to being disabled i have to drive an auto. i have seen a couple on http://www.townsendcarsales.co.uk based in swadlingcote and say they are corrado specialists. they have a red one that has cought my eye, although i looked at spending more than the £1,975 asking price, want to get as good a one as i can. has anyone on here had any dealings with them or just know them? i realise the auto is rare(only 55 left registered on the road. howmanyleft.com) so if anyone knows of a good one i will be interested to hear of it. happy to travel for the right car. i hope this not my only time on the forum and i can become the very proud owner of one of my dream cars,



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Welcome to the CF!


Search for TCS - more than covered as a topic here already. They are not Corrado specialists. They are Corrado resellers/profiteers. I'm not saying the car will be bad, but don't rely on the name.


And the guy is allegedly a tool.

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thanks, i did do a search before i wrote the post but it didnt bring anything up and just did another and still not having it. not a problem though iam more than happy to take your word for it, i did have my doubts because the two autos he has have been for sale for bloody ages which is why i asked about them on here, shame because his and one on ebay are the only auto`s i have been able to find. iam sure something will turn up sooner or later if i wave my cash about enough.


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I just tried to find a couple fo TCS threads but searching on TCS no longer brings anything back... have they been removed?

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i did have my doubts about him due to the length of time he has had the two autos up for sale, i knew someone on here would be able to inform me one way or another, iam sure if i wave my cash about enough one will pop out of the woodwork. iam sorry if this turns into a double post but my post dont seem to be coming up right away

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The threads still exist. We've been rebuilding and moving servers and for some reason it doesn't seem to like 3 letter search queries at the moment. 'VR6' doesn't return any results either. Might just need reindexing again so leave it with us.

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Hi hoppinmad


Welcome to the forum, my VR6 is currently in the classifieds. If your interested let me know.



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Not sure how easy/feasible this is but a few people on here have converted auto's to manual gearboxes. Maybe you could do the reverse? Just a suggestion as decent Corrado's are pretty rare anyway and then trying to find an auto maybe even harder.

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Another auto driver! Hello :)


They do still exist - do be prepared to wait a little while though. Mine came up after a couple of months of watching eBay: in that time I saw 5 or so. You should be prepared either to wait a long while for the perfect one or buy one regardless of condition and do it up, which is basically what I did. Mine was pretty straight and came with heated leather, but the engine was pretty poorly and there was a LOT of trim missing (plus the rust spots, plus the dents, plus plus plus) but it still worked out on the expensive side for a VR6. I think quite a few end up broken because less of us want them :( On the bright side because they're a bit unloved they hang about a bit longer before going, so you may be able to get a cheeky offer in.


Only 55 left! I think that number might be a little off since the autos often aren't registered in the DVLA database properly (for Congestion Charging mine comes up as PURPLE VOLKSWAGEN UNKNOWN MODEL :lol:) and insurance companies don't seem to have the autos available on their list. I've seen a couple myself though...


Whether it's before or after purchase, whatever you do check the gearbox fluid (it has a dipstick - look below the battery. Only check when it's running and in Park so the torque converter is full of fluid, otherwise it'll over-read) before doing any significant driving in it - VW call it lifetime fluid but that's only true because when it runs out the gearbox implodes :lol: Flushing it isn't a tricky job and it vastly improves the shifting since most haven't been maintained properly.


I still love the funny looks I get when I roar up and park in disabled bays :mrgreen:



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i have considered doing a converstion but to be honest i just cant be arsed.

stone, iam not that far from you iam just the other side of welwyn garden city, yeh i know what you mean about disabled bays i get people coming up to me complain every now and then when i pull up in my vr

Edited by hoppinmad

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golf looks mean!!! welcome to the forum buddy.... as others have said its worth waiting for the one you want. Good luck!

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