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Not what you want to hear in the morning

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Well this morning I had a shock which wasnt nice. Just sat down on the sofa with a cup of coffee to hear the door go and to find my neighbor stood there telling me my garage doors were wide open :pale:


My garage is at the end of the garden and backs onto a dirt track which a load of druggies/ and scum use as a short cut. So went runing up there and as he said both doors were wide open ( barn door type doors) :( I had a good look around and nothing was touched thank god and more importantly the Corrado was untouched :cheers:


Dont think I've moved that fast in a hungover haze before.

The door has now been secured shut with the use of rope tied to the roof beam so no chance of it opening from the out side again :afro:


Any one els had a shock like this?

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Couple of years back, we nipped out for a bite to eat to a local restaurant. Was out of the house for about a couple of hours max.

Came home to see that the garage door had been ripped from it's fixings, all power tools missing and the top box ( that was bolted to the workbench) had been peeled open like a tin of sardines and relieved of all my hand tools.

The worst bit was that they had stolen some 50/60 year old bumper badges (BARC, VSCC, Bugatti owners club, club Lotus) that grandad had left to me. Tools not bothered about, but the badges really upset me (and still does).


Was insured, otherwise it would have been three grand up my shirt. Hence the reason why I'm now more suspicious of passers by than before.



Hope you get fixed up and without any issues. Never a nice time for this to happen. Especially at Christmas.


All the best, James

Edited by James.

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Good to hear all is ok mate, that'd make me feel a bit sick :(


We have our garage fully alarmed and is never not set, even for an hour or two it's always on, like you say you never know who's been noseying round while the door has been open while you work on the car in the garage previously.

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I know it was very lucky


I haven't been up their since Christmas eve when i put the car away. Really dont know how they opened but they wont be opening on their own again.


Cant wait to get into the new house with proper locking doors

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