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Classfied Plagiarism

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I suspect the answer is certainly no but are there any rules on copying the text from someone elses adverts?


My advert is here and been on for a good few weeks:




A new advert has appeared and the user has copied my text so it reads similar to mine.


New ad:




I think I am being abit anal about this :-) haha! but just thought I'd ask as it took me hours to right that advert...or should i take it as a compliment?!



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mmm, it's only one para and looks like it's probably true with the date changed, a bit lazy, but don't think it's worth going to court over :)


if it was a complete advert copy I'd probably want to warn people to check the new ad very carefully before believing much in it, especially if the reg was the same!

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All I can see is the top 6 lines have the same layout as yours, after that it's all different. I prefer the other guy's bullet points too. Too much effort to read through longhand.


My 2p.

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I prefer the other guy's bullet points too


Kick a man when he's down :lol:

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haha! cheers for the feedback guys, i realise its only the odd line here and there, I guess its the laziness that got to me or perhaps just felt like a rant :-D, must be cos I am back at work today!

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i'd rather see a well written advert with a guide borrowed from someone else then half the crap that gets put on there!

also.. it means you get a free link to your advert in this section too, i'd be very happy with the net result!


I do like his bulletpointing though and also the use of an email address for the ad rather than his personal one. i think we can all learn from each other :thathomosmily:

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Im sure it's a compliment to you mate!!


Even then you should adapt his bullet point style lol.


Any luck selling yours yet??

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Cheers for the feedback Baz (Hope you are well mate) and Abdul...looks like my add will be changing! lol.


I've had a little interest but still for sale.

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