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Help. Can't open passenger door from the inside or outside

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Fitted new rollers yesterday. Was trying to put the damn doorpin back in place and somehow seem to have managed to bugger it up.

Can't open the passenger door from the inside or outside.

Have tried locking and unlocking the car but it just won't open.


Problem is with the door shut I can't take the doorcards off to see what's wrong.


Any ideas How to open the door or take the door card off with butchering it?

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Hi mate try popping out the seat base in the back then getting the back rest part out then uou should be able to pop tje rear boor card of , once you have done that if you have a close look you should be able to manually open the door with a flat headed screw driver by pushing the lock mechanism

This is exactly what i did when the internals of my lock disintigrated leaving my door broke from either side

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