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Sorry but, Central locking and battery drain

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A short time ago the battery on the car was going flat after a couple of days. Connected a bulb between the battery terminal and the battery lead and it lit up better than the headlights. Pulled all the fuses one at a time with no luck. Had a search on the forum, discovered a “hidden” fuse at the top of the fusebox and voila! Bulb went out. The Electric windows and central locking stopped working as well. Replaced the fuse and they worked again. Fitted a replacement control module which didn’t resolve the problem.


For others disconnecting the module.


The control module has three plugs on it, a small black one, a small brown one and a large white one. The two small ones disconnected easily but the white one would move, this seems common from my searches on here. I gave it a light spray with WD40 and left it for an hour or so and it still showed no sign of moving. I got a very thin, flat blade screwdriver and gently eased round the sides of the connector, not trying to prize it out, just trying to ease the fitting and heard a couple of light clicks, left it for another cup of coffee and tried removing it with my fingers which didn’t do much so I prised it at the ends with the aforementioned screwdriver. It gave another light click and moved and I was able to pull it out. After examination there was no damage to either the module or connector so I can only conclude that the plastic had somehow grown together making it almost impossible to remove.


Anyway, back to my problem.


When I replaced the fuse all the windows worked and the central locking worked on everything other than the drivers door, which tried to pop up but dropped back down instantly.


I’m pretty useless at electrical things and just looking at the multi coloured spaghetti in the fuse box area gives me the collywobbles and no way I want to go near that. I can however disconnect plugs and things, so - if I work my way round the electrical connections in the door , unplugging them would this show up the faulty unit or am I clutching at straws.


Any form of help gratefully appreciated.

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i had the same door lock fault on my drivers door and it was just the mechanism in the door latch was all gunked up, cleaned it up and lubed the lever bit and fixed my problem.


Not sure if thats any help, was the lock working before?

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i had the same door lock fault on my drivers door and it was just the mechanism in the door latch was all gunked up, cleaned it up and lubed the lever bit and fixed my problem.


Not sure if thats any help, was the lock working before?


It was working, but weather permitting, I'm going to pull the door apart tomorrow to see if I can find anything without causing a short and setting it on fire. I think I know the bit you are talking about as I had that problem before.

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