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Resurrect valver or cut and run for VR6?

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Hi folks - looking for some thoughts / advice on where I'm better spending my money! My valver was in a bit of a state when I bought it last July: in dire need of a service, gearbox & front engine mounts bust, red PSF instead of green, very low suspension with disintegrated bump stops, leaking windscreen, bad DIY paintjob and alloy refurb. In hindsight, I should have been more patient and waited for something in better nick but my old Clio was dead and I was keen to replace it with a Corrado. :bonk:


Anyway, I've fixed up a few bits and pieces myself over the last few months (learning experience more than anything else as I'm new to car maintenance): stock suspension fitted, engine mounts replaced, coolant flush, PSF flush, brakes & clutch bled, oil & filter change, leaking oil pressure switch replaced, new air filter, some engine bay rewiring, new front tyres.


Now I'm faced with a couple of bigger jobs that will cost a fair bit - the power steering rack & pump are knackered, probably due to the red PSF. I'd get that done at a garage rather than doing it myself and while they've got the subframe dropped anyway, I'll get them to change wishbones, droplinks, ARB bushes and ball joints as they're all gubbed too. Also the thermostat as I think it's leaking. The second big job is the heater matrix. I thought it was fine when I bought it but since using it more over the winter, I've noticed the passenger footwell getting suspiciously damp. Oh and it also sounds like one of my hydraulic tappets is clicking away... So three big jobs. And a bunch of minor things like central locking & electric windows (not the fuse), no speed reading to MFA & spoiler, bad fuel economy around town and still the horrendous paint work, alloys and leaking windscreen... :?


Although I'm not keen to abandon the valver without sorting all these problems out, I'm starting to think it would be a better idea to buy a VR6 in better condition and invest in that instead. For example, TCS have one with only 81k on the clock and two previous owners that would be a good candidate and they'd do part exchange on mine... There's also a couple for sale by forum members that are undoubtedly a much better starting point than mine.


What do you think? I know it's more personal preference than anything else but it just seems a waste of money to try and resurrect the valver when it has so many negatives and I could get a better car in much better condition for less than I'm likely to spend on the valver? :scratch:

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i fully appreciate your position here, i was in exactly the same boat except i brought a

vr6 and im sticking with it through its problems as a means to keep me interested,

from a labour point of veiw its racked up no more then £150.00 as prety much all the work has been and is being done by myself, i guess for you though its all about what you want ? sounds to me like you actualy want a vr6, and if thats right? then imo your better off selling it to fund a vr6 thats in the condition and price range that your after,word of advice though, you pay for what you get, it may pay in the long run to spend that extra £500 -£1000 in getting one thats been looked after but it all depends on what your after.

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Yeah, good advice. I'm happy to work through problems as well - great cars to build up my maintenance knowledge! As much as I love owning my valver, I guess I just think it's more worthwhile to be working on getting a VR6 in good condition than a valver. I went with a valver initially because the thought of running a 2.9l VR6 sounded painfully expensive, but with mine running like it is at the moment I'd actually get about the same if not better with a VR6! Have to accept that if I do stick with the valver and get all the mechanicals and electrics working and chose to tidy it up with a respray and refurbed alloys, I'm unlikely to ever make that money back.

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I own a vr6 at the moment but had a 2.0l 16 v for two years and i was scared about running a vr6 as everone said its expensive but i honestly get alot better mpg out of the vr , with it being a big engine you really dont have to rev it to get going wer as the valvers you do !! It all depends what you want and what you want to get from it but if you want a vr theres no point putting your hard earnd cash in to something your not destined to keep !

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