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strange..foglights flash on under acceleration...help please!!

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Hi all..

As above foglights keep flicking on when i accelerate...doesn't do it when engine

is not running

Kind of explains the.recent increase in others flashing at me

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Any ideas anyone????? Did it again today...now I've only got one headlight and foglights don't work...help please

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Not at all helpful - but this sounds brilliant to me.


Lights full on under accerlation - as in I am coming through - out of my way - Yeah !!!!


Hi all..

As above foglights keep flicking on when i accelerate...doesn't do it when engine

is not running

Kind of explains the.recent increase in others flashing at me

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Sounds like something is shorting and creating a circuit when it moves under acceleration. Bit of a needle in a haystack to find where.

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Take your air box out and check the wires under there.


Seems to be the cause to me as your air box will move under acceleration and has probably rubbed the wires and makes a short every time you accelerate



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks .....i found it.....i was doing some work

on the boot surround and left a screw in the cover

when i clipped it back on...the screw went thru rear foglights wiring

Guess who feels like a numpty :-(:-(

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