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My quite lucky escape

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Not quite as lucky as krishen's, but still quite lucky!


So, a couple of weeks back I got the local garage to put my 312s and mk4 rears on. All went fine, even if it did take them three days to get the brakes bled out... Anyway, I was getting a bit of squeal now and then from the nearside front caliper - I assumed the pad was dragging slightly and it would go away again once the surface corrosion wore off the disc. My new tyre turned up today so I popped home early from work to take my Ultraleggeras and tyres out to the wheel refurb place in Hemel. On the way back I started to get some noise and vibration which was clearly wheel-related - it was getting worse and worse so figuring one of the tyres was flat I pulled over about a mile away from home to have a spy. Bearing in mind it was dark, both the front wheels looked alright but the nearside rear looked a bit low so I swapped the spare on and started limping slowly home.


After a few seconds it became pretty obvious that I hadn't cured it but I was nearly back (and I knew the spare wouldn't go over the 312 disc!) so I carried on at 15 or so...


Got back to the house and while I was parking up the front wheel fell off! :shocked!: On closer inspection I was missing four wheel bolts; the wheel had held on on the hub until the last one had made a break for freedom... Amazingly there was hardly any damage - the wheel's a write-off (luckily a cheapy Halfords one, I would have been pretty upset if it was one of the Ultraleggeras!) but the hub was fine and had just held onto the centre of the wheel enough to stop it smashing the wing up. Looks like the worst it'll need is retracking and some new caliper paint so I reckon I got off quite lightly!


Luckily the garage was still open so I rang them up to give them a talking to - ended up with the manager coming round in full damage-limitation mode. I'm getting a new wheel (or four if they can't buy them singly), retracking and they're going to do my thermostat/crack pipe and swap the inlet manifold over while it's there :lol:





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DIY is the way to go IMO, after that lot i don't think i'd want them to go anywhere near the coolant system!

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Ouch! Same as Elliot, I hate giving my cars to anyone. Looking forward to seeing the car on the Ultras when refurbed! If you carry a collapsable axle stand, you'll always be able to swap round and be guaranteed to fit the spare no matter what tyre is flat :)

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DIY is the way to go IMO, after that lot i don't think i'd want them to go anywhere near the coolant system!

They're normally very good (with prices to match!) - I figured I'd want some comeback if something went wrong with the brakes, since I'm not really confident enough to do them myself.


The spare's a 15" space-saver, it wouldn't go over the 312 fronts. I do have a can of tyre sealant in the back just in case a front tyre goes but it's not really ideal! On the bright side it looks like I'll be getting four new wheels since the ones I have are out of stock everywhere...

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New wheels sound good, as long as they compensate for what could have been a life threatening mistake. I know way too many bad experiences about garages and dealers, I just like to blame myself when it all goes pear shaped :)

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That is lucky. Good thing you weren't travelling at speed.


Definitely check that the bolts are done up tight once they fit the new wheels on.

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Wheels are being done at Max Powder (yes, I know :lol:) - seemed pretty competent and asked all the right questions. They'll even straighten bent rims, most of the other places won't touch them - though they did warn me my damaged one could crack when they heat it. If it does they can get it welded up, but they have to send out for that because they can't do it themselves. They're very cheap if you want plain black or white (£35!) - metallics are a tenner more per corner and dents are £30 or so on top. I'll post pics when they're back - 2-3 working day turnaround so should be ready on Tuesday, if I've got the car back by then...

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Wheels are being done at Max Powder (yes, I know :lol:) - seemed pretty competent and asked all the right questions. They'll even straighten bent rims, most of the other places won't touch them - though they did warn me my damaged one could crack when they heat it. If it does they can get it welded up, but they have to send out for that because they can't do it themselves. They're very cheap if you want plain black or white (£35!) - metallics are a tenner more per corner and dents are £30 or so on top. I'll post pics when they're back - 2-3 working day turnaround so should be ready on Tuesday, if I've got the car back by then...


I need a cheap set of wheels done for the wifes mk2 to make them presentable and they are right on my doorstep. The RX's on the Rado I took all the way down to Lepsons in Kent to get done and they did a brilliant job getting the dings and buckle out of one of the wheels.


Would be keen for some pics if you have time.

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Should have the car back Tuesday evening so I could fit them and pop round on Wednesday if you want a look in person. Always got time for a fellow blackberry owner :camp:

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Well, I got the wheels and they look fab! I'll stick some pics in the Suppliers forum when my phone is charged. One slight drawback in that he put the tyres on wrong though - I have two Proxes R tyres and two Proxes 4 tyres but he's given me both Proxes 4 as 'left' and both Proxes R as 'right' so I'll have to nip back tomorrow to correct it before I can put them on. Did get a cash discount though ;)


Got the C back from garage-of-doom: they did install my polished manifold, engine cover and thermostat/housing/crack pipe/aux pump, but it looks like they've disturbed the seal as I now have coolant dripping from my main water pump (and steaming out of the bonnet) whenever I stop :roll: They did randomly give me a new set of HT leads and I didn't have to pay for the inlet gaskets so maybe we're square?

Edited by Stonejag

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Are you sure that it's from the main pump? should not have touched that doing what you have listed was done?? probably leaking from the o ring on the engine side crack pipe and trickling down and round.


I'll be working on the wifes Golf on Saturday if you want a 2nd set of eyes to look at it.

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That would be awesome, thank you! I'll drop you a PM to arrange.


The background is that there's been a slight coolant leak ever since I got it in August - maybe a litre every three weeks or so. It was hugely improved with a dose of K-Seal but still leaking very slowly - my guess was that they just disturbed the sealant repair as there's a thick rim of copper particles around the water pump end of the crack pipe (which is also snapped into chunks :roll:).


How awkward a job is it to do the water pump? Can pick one up at GSF tomorrow - are the metal-impeller Febi ones any cop?





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nowt wrong with Febi units as far as I am concerned, especially as there is one in my car at the moment and has been for the last few thousand miles. From memory it's not to big a job, just need to slacken off or remove the tensioner take the belt out of the way then remove the old pump clean up etc. If your going to do it might be worth while sticking a new belt on at the same time.

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