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Knocking/Rumble noise Please HELP!!!

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It happened again. A weird knocking rumbling noise coming from somewhere in the vicinity of the drivers side front centre of my the car. It sounds like something rumbling underneath the car, as if it's about to come off, but only happens after I've gone hard through a left hand bend,lasts for a couple of minutes(sometimes very loudly)and then disappears again,sometimes never heard of again for a few weeks.

I've had my wheel bearings checked and they are all spot on, all my front bushes (anti roll bar & top mounts have all been changed) a CV joint also. I have seen someone on the board with a similar problem, be he didn't say how he cured it - something to do with a driveshaft bush???. Could someone elaborate on this please?


Also I put the car in the garage a few weeks ago to get the wheel bearings checked cos I thought it was that, that was the problem; and after saying they were all fine they said about the driveshaft bush. His advise was, get used to the noise (as it wasn't 2 bad then & only happened every now & then) & if it gets worse bring it back. But it's the knocking/rumbling I'm worried about. It's not affecting the braking, and the car still seems to corner as b4??


Any help appreciated. I need to cure it ASAP so I can put the car up forsale officially!! Please help!!


A similar post:

http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... highlight=




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Also, I haven't actually been under the car myself, so don't know where the bush actually is. Anyone got a picture?



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i had a simaler problem it tuned out to be the front engine mount check the bolts havent come off the starter motor and the bracket is ok or it could be the counter weaght on the drive shat its self mine came losse and knoked around so i just cut it off!! that sorted the bitch!!!

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Also, I haven't actually been under the car myself, so don't know where the bush actually is. Anyone got a picture?




I'll take a photo of it tomorrow after work seeing as my engine is not in the bay yet! ;)

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I took it out last night, I think what ever the problem is, it's trying to reveal it's self.


It seems to be getting a bit of a wobble coming from the driver side (front) - but the knocking/rumbling in't happening, it's only actually happened twice ever??


The cars braking fine, no problems there.


Wheels have been balanced when the new tyres went on the other month.


I'm thinking problem area could be driveshaft/cv joint? Anyone else care to have a stab at it?

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I took it out last night, I think what ever the problem is, it's trying to reveal it's self.


It seems to be getting a bit of a wobble coming from the driver side (front) - but the knocking/rumbling in't happening, it's only actually happened twice ever??


The cars braking fine, no problems there.


Wheels have been balanced when the new tyres went on the other month.


I'm thinking problem area could be driveshaft/cv joint? Anyone else care to have a stab at it?


Sounds like a driveshaft problem alright. Could well be that rubber counterweight that col_wan was talking about. If you can get under the car have a look at that and if it seems loose just cut it off.

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by cutting this off, will it not unbalance the driveshaft at all?


Well if it's there it's there for a reason but if it's loose and moving around the place then it's really upsetting the balance of the shaft so what I'd do is take it off and see it that makes a difference. It definitely won't make it worse anyway. On the other hand if it seems to be tight on the shaft then leave it alone.

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Cheers Gro


Henny - how did you get on with that pic mate?


I forgot.... :oops:


I'll get it for you tonight.. (I just emailed myself to remind me when I get home! :wink: )

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Oooh, I've got an email from myself! ;) :lol:


Reet then... Fotos... 8)


(Read the text above the photos!)

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yeah, just cut it off, :shock: it's 10mm steel, in a bloody awkward position :shock: i did mine, made no difference to driving, jack her up. support. and try and get in there with an angle grinder and cutting disk, BE CAREFUL THOU one false move and you be needing new driveshaft boots as well.!!!

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Twas me who had the same problem.

Found the damper loose and just knocking around on the drive shaft so as a temporary measure,I jammed it up against the engine block-seemed to cure the problem-until it works loose again,of course. :roll:

As I have the car up om stands anyway,I'll have to get the grinder out and cut it off.

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I thinkg I'm gonna try and JB weld mine back together... Dunno if it'll work or not, but it's gotta be worth a shot.... 8)

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Thanks lads


Problem now solved. Took it in the garage at the weekend so I could get a proper look under it. The bush on the driveshaft was as loose as you like - I could run it up & down the driveshaft!! :shock: Anyway, I gave the guy a drink & he cut it off for me. Car seems fine now. I'm not used to all this non broken car malarkey! Feels wired :wink: I gave it a bit of a shoeing last night, is so nice to be able to do that again! :D

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