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Insurance Question...

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Hey everybody


I was just wondering if anybody could give me some advice on a small insurance problem i have.


Last week i picked up a new car and swapped my insurance policy from my old car to my new car. I insured my old car on a temp policy so i could drive it to the MOT centre but that was only until saturday, but that cost me £12 for 3 days!

I have since been informed that if a car has road tax it HAS to be insured otherwise the DVLA will send you a fine, which im not too keen on paying and i dont really want to declare my old car off the road as im trying to sell it.

I just called up my insurance company and they will only insure it for minimum a year.

Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that will insure a car for 10 miles a month on a rolling monthly basis?


Thanks guys



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Cheers but they want £115 a month for a car thats not going to see the road on a up to 5000 miles policy :(

not bad considering i was paying £45 a month when it was insured for 12000 miles a year with a much lower excess lol

Edited by jacko

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I had this problem, unfortunately 90% of the British population don't own a drive or garage so even SORNing it is out of the question. We're forced to bite the bullet and pay over the odds for a car that is going no where...


Good luck with it,


Ten Ton

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Try a classic policy if the car is garaged and you're over 25.


Alternatively, sell the car quickly before you get the SORN reminders, or SORN the car and sell it without tax. Them's the options I'm afraid. The new no insurance, no tax policy was brought in with the best intentions, but now makes buying/selling a car a bit of a ballache.

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I'm not sure that it was the best of intentions that brought about the current no insurance, no tax situation. The racketeers, sorry I mean the insurance industry, has a massive amount of power and this is just a step closer to them enacting their plan to force you to insure every car you own. Roadworthy or not.


Although yes a classic policy is a cheap option here. With very limited mileage I could insure an eight year old M5 for less than my 16v on 5k miles per year.

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