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Powder coating engine parts - Intake etc....

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So a few people have different finishes on manifolds etc & I fancy (one day) tidying things up under the bonnet. My question to you good folk is; do I need to consider anything when getting parts blasted & powder coated?


In particular Im keen on coating my Inlet Manifold but obviously dont want to take anything away from its function.....


Cheers thanks ta.....

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When i did my vr6 inlet manifold i spent some time blocking and sanding it smooth then got some scrap ali to blank over the two faces so when shot blasting and powdercoating it couldnt get inside.

Put some scrap bolts in the relevant holes so the powdercoat doesn't fill them up

I went for powdercoat silver with clear powdercoat, costs about twise the norm but stays looking good for longer and is much more resilliant - plus gives a much more asthetic look imo.



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Defo Go over board making sure sand doesn't get in there, a lad round ere gave me an inlet manifold he had just had coated but there was sand stuck everywere inside where the company that did the work hadn't masked it up.

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I had all my engine bits vapour blasted! Looks mint!


I then polished the face of the inlet manifold!


Bet you can't guess which photo was of my engine before I tarted it all up :)

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Cheers for that bud..... just what I was after. About 40 quid to do the job?


No from memory it was £70 trade, twise the amount i was expecting so as a good wiil gesture they did my rocker cover for free.

Worth noting though it looks as good now as it did then,

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Hey Chris have you thought of dry ice blasting? The results are immense.


Never heard of it mate! Ill have a look.... have you used it & can I see stuff on your build thread? Cheers for the heads up.


---------- Post added at 8:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 8:19 AM ----------


@ Pete: looking good mate.


---------- Post added at 8:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 8:33 AM ----------


No from memory it was £70 trade, twise the amount i was expecting so as a good wiil gesture they did my rocker cover for free.

Worth noting though it looks as good now as it did then,


ouch... seems a lot. Looks well though mate!

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Sounds like a pretty reasonable price to me - my local place has a minimum order of £40 and that would just be a small amount of bits in flat black. The chrome coloured powder-coating is a more complicated process and they have to do more than one coat (at a minimum, a clear acrylic coat over the top!) - I got a fairly small amount of stuff done for my arcade machine and it cost £80 so £70 for an inlet sounds like a good deal. I'd put aside at least £100 for a proper job - you get what you pay for and it'll be a pain to change once it's fitted!



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