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VW Corrado 16V

Is this now normal?

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my car: 1.8i 16V (with auto air conditioning)


Before I write about my problem (that my car go to 110 degrees water temp) now I fixed it. The problem was that the sensor of the cool fans starts too late (1 st on 100 degrees and 2 nd ot 110 degrees). Now I buy a new (they told me it's universal of all vw's) that starts on 1 st 88 and 2 nd on 92 degrees. And my car now go to traffic (in the city) to 92/93 max 94 degrees! Is that now the normal water temperature!


And is it normal every time when I drive it in the city my fans to starts. Will the motor (of the fans) stand! Is this normal when I turn it off to hear how the fans works (1st the fast one then the slow one).


I buy one motor with 2 fans (with strap) from Passat.

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The corrado has a fan-overrun facility which means that the cooling fan can run for a few minutes after the engine has been turned off...


If it's running for more than around 10 minutes I'd start to get worried... 15-20 and then I would be worried, any more than that and I'd say something was wrong...


I take it you do live in a much hotter country than England, so I'd probably say that if it stays running for more than 15 mins after you've stopped, there's something not quite correct... :?


Hope this helps... 8)

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