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Happy birthday to Rudi

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The little trooper hit 85k this afternoon :king:



Still a massive fan, even if he did have a bit of a strop and suddenly demand a litre of coolant on the M1 this morning...


Going to buy him a polished inlet as a birthday present :camp:



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Yes, only way to find all the quirks :lol: No space for two cars anyway, maybe once my ex gets her Mk1 Cabrio out of the garage...


First reg was 16th April 1996 so must have sat in the dealership for a while (probably because it's an auto). Still needs quite a lot of looking after but I think I'm starting to have some impact :cool:



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I wonder how many cars on here have names? I always name my cars... my C is called Bosun and my J is Sirius. Bose has double the mileage that Rudi has, but at least I've had the pleasure of driving him for 60k of them :) Good to hear that you're winning with sorting out any niggles. I feel (hope!) that I'm finally getting somewhere with mine too :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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