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Eibach front arb still scraping ;(

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Hi all,

Just changed all parts of the front. so now I've changed top mounts, coilovers, front arn (Eibach) Powerflex bushes complete with eyebolts and nuts & washers, track arms, balls for track arms, Powerflex bushes for track arms, steering whatever incl. the balljoints etc.

And STILL scraping that crappy made basterd of an Eibach front anti roll bar.

I tried to swap in in reversed (left to right), but couldn't do that. The eyebolts are inserted from above. Is that corract? (I suppose, as I couldn't get it to sit differently.

I really need to solve this, as I almost cannot drive with it, it's bashing and scraping all the time, if there's a little cigarette paper on the road.


Any ideas?






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Mine does exactly the same.


I'm going to try to get some longer droplinks made up to lift the ARB higher and away from the edges of the wishbone.

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Very good idea. I've noticed that the original droplinks are bent, I just don't know in what direction. If they are bent towards the rear, it may be the solution. But possibly not enough. If they are bent towards the wheens, it doesn't matter.


Do you know what droplinks you have?

Mine are non original, and not bent! that may be a problem.


Please let me hear what you find out.

btw, I have the EW bar, which is the correct one for the G60 1991 car, according to he Eibach importer.




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My droplinks are oem and I have the same issue

I am looking at extending the droplinks enough to lift the ARB so it doesn't knock this should also stiffen it aswell as it feels a little soft in the corners even with the suspension as stiff as it will go

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HI Owen,

That sounds good.

Thanks for the info on the original droplinks, as I now don't have to order them, as they are horrendously costly at 65 GBP each plus vat :nuts:

Looking forward to hear how you do on the matter.

If I find out anything, I'll post it here.




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Okay, as I've written elsewhere, aftera 4 wheel alignment, I have no scraping so far. I'll post back if something comes up.




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Hi there!

I saw your post and was really confused, I've had Eibach ARBs for years on my VR6 and not experienced any of these scraping issues. I am still using the original wishbones but I can see that you have nice shiny new ones, could there be a difference there? I got under the car and can fit a finger tip between the wishbone and ARB on both sides.

I do know that the ARBs are CNC formed (so precise and repeatable), the bending program and dimensional checking fixtures have not changed since the beginning of Corrado production! I have to declare an interest as I work for Eibach. We work very closely with VW and will normally receive both the oem drawings and a test car from VW to develop our performance parts. So any VW issue we take pretty seriously. I would be really grateful if you could let me know what the final outcome is, so we can make sure the the advice is passed on to our other Corrado customers. I am on this forum as a proud Corrado owner and not an Eibach representative but this bothered me.

Hope all is sorted now, please just let me know that the alignment has solved the problem.


  Redfox said:
Very good idea. I've noticed that the original droplinks are bent, I just don't know in what direction. If they are bent towards the rear, it may be the solution. But possibly not enough. If they are bent towards the wheens, it doesn't matter.


Do you know what droplinks you have?

Mine are non original, and not bent! that may be a problem.


Please let me hear what you find out.

btw, I have the EW bar, which is the correct one for the G60 1991 car, according to he Eibach importer.




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ill try and get some pics over the next couple of days to show exactly where the issues lie


although the other pics already here do show the same issues as mine with the ARB sitting very close to the wishbones on both sides of the car

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  Greg Kirby said:
Hi there!

I saw your post and was really confused, I've had Eibach ARBs for years on my VR6 and not experienced any of these scraping issues. I am still using the original wishbones but I can see that you have nice shiny new ones, could there be a difference there? I got under the car and can fit a finger tip between the wishbone and ARB on both sides.

I do know that the ARBs are CNC formed (so precise and repeatable), the bending program and dimensional checking fixtures have not changed since the beginning of Corrado production! I have to declare an interest as I work for Eibach. We work very closely with VW and will normally receive both the oem drawings and a test car from VW to develop our performance parts. So any VW issue we take pretty seriously. I would be really grateful if you could let me know what the final outcome is, so we can make sure the the advice is passed on to our other Corrado customers. I am on this forum as a proud Corrado owner and not an Eibach representative but this bothered me.

Hope all is sorted now, please just let me know that the alignment has solved the problem.





Hi Greg,


I kind of started this off on this thread http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?57309-VR6-EIBACH-22mm-front-ARB-s as I was having issue's with my Eibach arb on my VR. I ended up switching to another brand to resolve my issue but if you are interested I still have the offending ARB in the garage if you'd like to take a look sometime.

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Hi Greg,

Thanks for posting that.

I've spoken to the local importer of Eibach where I live, and he told me he would ask Eibach about it.

There's a few things that have to be determined.

1: Eibach front arb for the G60/valvers and VR6 are not the same.

2: Track arms in a similar manner are not the same.

3: Droplinks in a similar way are not the same.

4: During production, Eibach reversed the printed white text on the front arb.

5: Every single person I've spoken to had the problem on their G60/valver. The front arb sit's too close to the track arms and touch them during driving/suspension moval.

6: Wietech front arb is bent different, and does not show this problem.

7: On my former Golf2, which have the same trackarms, same other parts, same supplier, does not show the problem. I know, I had that for 12 years.

8: on this thread there's apparently also proble even when you surely use original drop links, whivh have different shape.

9: I've tried original track arms, non-original ditto and the same with all the other parts - same problem.

10: I had my Golf 2 more lowered than my Corrado - no problems.

11: I've tried changing suspension from original, to KW coilovers, and it's the same problem. Scraping. My photos show the same problem as other users do.

12: I've tried to have a 4 wheel alignment, and the first drive there was no scraping, but I will elaborate on that asap. This is an interesting point. Still, if such a small fraction can/may/will solve it, there'sa design fault, as there should be more room for movement.


I think it would be really really great if we could all find a propper soloution to this problem. The thing is, that after trying, and asking on forums, prople go out and buy other brand products, something that does not teally support Eibach.

In my humble view, Eibach is a quality brand. They make really good products. But this is not good and fail mot/testing. A soloution should be found.


I'll follow this thread. Thanks to everyone who tried to find our and/or write about their experiences.



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