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VW to make a new Corrdo in 2014 August release.

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Hi all,

Just looking around the net for a new Corrado, but only the old drawings etc. from a few years back. But last friday, when picking up spares for my Corrado, I spoke to a friend at the local VWdealership (he's in spares and something else), who happen to have just come home from Wolfsburg, from a training course, he told me, that there's definitive ideas to release the Corrado (name will be reused) in 2014. Development is on schedual and it will again be the sportscar of VW. VW has apparently decided to outgun Audi with their TT, now that they have the R8 as a real sportscar, so the old inhouse fight is not started again. Designwise there's no pics around that I have found, but he told me, that it's going to be a souped up revised design og the present Corrado (88-95), with a few minor twists, like a littel more sharp edges, and revised front/lights.

It should come in three engine versions, the biggest so far is a biturbo (or kompressor) on a 2L short stroke block with 4 valve head. (no 5 valve version). This is after the choice of downsizing engines in the whole of VAG, as we have seen earlier on. Powerwise he couldn't say anything, but supposed to be a little more than 250 hp, but that is purely a guesstimate.

Brakes are probably going from bigger models of today.

Again we'll see a lux interrior with possibly very sporty bucket seats for front, and something like the present Corrado for the rear. So overall, it will be recognizable in tradition with earlier products from VW. Something, the told me, that VW is very concerned about, and prioritates highly.

That's all he told me, and I am going there every day for the next period, to see if I can squeeze some more out of him.


I'll get back asap.




Edited by Redfox

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So overall, it will be recognizable in tradition with earlier products from VW. Something, the told me, that VW is very concerned about, and prioritates highly.


This kind of gave it away!

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Both yes and no, because it is a high priority of VW to make their new cars in continuity and recognizable with earlier ones.




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If I'd thought of it I would have put up a thread "Thinking of swapping the Corrado for a Calibra" :)

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If I'd thought of it I would have put up a thread "Thinking of swapping the Corrado for a Calibra" :)




I have an (irrational?) hate of Calibras. Never driven one, never want to. Can't stand them!



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