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Another Audioscape question - fitting them

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I've already fitted the pods but I kept meaning to ask something. With normal OEM pods they are screwed into the door card and then when the card goes back on the door there is a hidden screw inside the speaker hole which secures the pod onto a bracket on the door. I assume this is to help hold the door card on but also to ensure the pod doesn't move and therefore to give a better sound quality.


When I fitted the Audioscapes there was no screw hole inside the speaker hole. It also wouldn't fit onto the door unless I removed the bracket on the door. So I removed it.


Is this right?

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All correct.. Have you just mounted using only original screws/positions?

Most people use about 8 screws per side because of the weight..

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I added extra screws on the lower part of the pods so something like 6 to 8 screws in total per side. But it does feel a bit of a design flaw with the lower half of the door card no longer supported by the bracket. I assume it degrades audio quality a little.

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Early cars didn't have that bracket anyway. Realistically a better design would be something where the speaker is mounted to the door and the pod just acts as a cover. However with my doors fully dynamatted and screwed as yours I'm pretty happy with the sound quality.


I think spoonfed offer a better option but so expensive to import..

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