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5 Years ago today the Nurburgring won

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That is a bugger :-( Still, at least you were ok and parts of the car now live on! The mk2 looks good by the way :)


I've no idea about the occupants of the CRV, I hope so.

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It was a bit of a bummer. Doesn't look like much of a corner from above but does a bit more on the ground! I remember it being morning, damp and shaded so probably just hit a dodgy spot and off it went! :( I sold the mk2 to buy a house but the new owner stacked it, as far as I know the engine is in a corrado somewhere! It was a low comp 2.9 running wossner pistons :) was a fun project building the mk2. Was a beast on the road!


I didn't come out of it too bad, just a broken nose, busted knuckles and ankles, worst of all I ended up with a double inguinal hernia which was awesome.

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Yeah, for some reason after I'd put that you were OK I re-read your original thread and decided it wasn't a very sensible thing to put! I think what I meant was that at least you've recovered, although I imagine the hernia was decidedly unpleasant :(


Bad news about the mk2, but if the engine is still going after surviving 2 fairly major accidents then all good!

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This old clip shows a good reaction and luck from the Corrado driver, not hiting the bmw. It makes me kind of scared that people clap their hands, when someone crashes...





Edited by Redfox

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Here is my bill.


I've never translated it so please feel free :)

1: Remove guardrail x 32

2: Supply and install guardrail x 32

3: Pull out Guardrail posts x 4

4: Supply and drive in guardrail posts x 4

5: Personnel (Sundays / public holidays) x 1.00

6: Oil absorbing material x 30

7: Use of vehicle routes x 0.5 (not sure on this one?)

8: Construction grant (flat rate) x 1

9: Administrative costs (flat rate) x 1

Probably not as exciting as you thought ;)


Looks terrifying, no idea how you lot have the stomach for it! I'd be quite satisfied with one of these :lol:




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