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Plastic sheeting in the doors behind the doorcards?

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Has anyone had to replace these? I'm guessing they contribute to soundproofing pretty well and I'm like to put something decent into my doors to keep noise down.


The plastic sheeting has been bodged at some stage in the past and half stuck on with silicon sealant. It's made a right mess. There are rips and tears in the plastic too.


So can the originals still be bought with adhesive on them or is there a better alternative?

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You can't buy the plastic sheet anymore.. VW have replaced it with some foam sheet, which you need to cut to size.

The silicon stuff is probably the original black mastic

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it's a moisture membrane, not for soundproofing, very important it's sealed, particularly the bottom half and near the speaker as water getting past it will drain into the front footwell.

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The sealant on mine definitely isn't original. It's a right mess. It'll take me a while cleaning it all off. I'll make sure it's sorted before the car is allowed out to play again.


Foam sheet.... sounds a bit pourous.

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The foam sheet is waterproof, I used it on my MK2, years ago :)

You could always get some thick plastic sheeting and cut that down instead, rubble sacks should do the trick

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I have black plastic sheeting for moisture membranes for house flooring. However, not much sticks to it so it might be a mission getting it to stay on.


This might require some experimenting.


Butyl rubber would actually be a good solution and would be somewhat good for sound dampening too.

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I used some lengths of Dynamat soundproofing sheet.


It's quite handy as the entire backing is adhesive, so it's easy to mould around the contours of the inner door. It's waterproof too.

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I'm looking into completely changing all the old soundproofing at the bulkhead and behind the dash. Isn't the dynamat quite pricey though?

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