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Bowden cable broke !!!

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My bowden cable just broke at the end where it gets into the handle that opens the hood and as I just saw it was already broken and repaired at list once. So there is no use repairing it since is shorter than the original. The problem I that I asked at 2 shops about a new one and they said that it’s not even specified in the catalogues which part is it. My question is if it is the same as for Golf or Passat ?!? One more thing… I tried to let the old cable to hang in order to be able to open the hood but after a succesful test now I can’t open the hood (can’t apply too much strength). Is there and easier way to open it, maybe removing the grille ? Silly question : how do I take off the grill because as I saw it it screwed under the hood ? Can I access those tensioned loopsthat keeps the hood's springs from under the car ?

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yes, you should be able to pop the bonnet open from underneath using a long bar or screwdriver to get at the release mechanisms... 8)

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I just opened my bonnet tonight before going to 5's and it opened fine but wouldn't close properly when I'd finished. Tried pushing the release handle in to make sure it was seated properly and it wouldn't stay in the correct position. Checked to make sure the cable hadn't become snagged on anything but everythjing was clear. Pulled the handle again (mistake) and the bloody cable snapped. So it looks like I'll be on the phone to the dealer in the morning to order a new bonnet lock cable... Happy New Year indeed!!!! Any idea how much they are?

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Just off the phone to the stealer this morning. The part number is 536 823 531 and costs £23.31 + VAT and surprise surprise, they don't keep it in stock. I wouldn't have thought it would have cost nearly £30 for a cable. I also asked if they do a Corrado Club discount only to be told, "No, not really but I'll see what I can do". I have had Corrado Club discount before from there so I don't know what's going on. I'll have to find out more from CCGB. So I'll hopefully be picking it up tomorrow morning and fitting it before I start work.

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